Jeff Dupree: The House Wife by Xen0phage
Story by Xen O.
Jeff Dupree: The House Wife
By: Xen0phage
Chapter 1: The Situation
"Yea, can you believe that game?... Yea 42- 10!...I know they practically handed them the game!..." It was then the sound of the sound of the tumblers turning in the lock of the front door could be heard just over the chatter of his buddy on the phone. "Oh Mark, I gotta let ya go, Paulena is home." Not even bothering to wait for his friend to say good-bye Jeff Dupree hastily hung up the phone. He raced over to the sink full of unfinished dishes and made like he was scrubbing.
"Hi Honey I'm home!" Came her sweet and cheery voice followed by some clicking noises on the tile floor making his heart pound out of his chest. "So, how's Mark?" she quipped in the same light hearted tone making Jeff cringe in the knowledge he was busted.
"Uh, he's great, Bonnie is pregnant again..." He continued to scrub hoping for the best, but fearing the worst as he heard the clicking of her heals on the tile floor as she closed the gap between them till he could feel her warm breath on the back of his neck. Swallowing hard he just continued to scrub, maybe if he finished this dish he'd be okay.
"Wow, that is what?" The extremely tall olive skinned woman asked casually, undoing the bun in thick black hair shaking it out and letting it cascade over her shoulders and down her back. As she undid her knee length skirt and stepped out of her heals she continued. "five is it?" she mused slipping her arms under Jeff's and wrapping them around his upper torso, bending over slightly to kiss him on top of his head, her hand slipping under his pink apron caressing then squeezing his peck gently; huge breasts clad in a grey blazer and buttoned up white blouse, each easily twice the size of Jeff's recently kiss adorned head pressed in to the back of his skull, pushing a few of the buttons from her blouse painfully in to his neck and head as the cloth covered mammaries wrapped around them slightly.
Jeff let out a labored and exhausted sigh. "Please Paulena, not right now..." The 6'4" tall man whimpered as one of her hands left his body, loosing her massive, swollen hard on from her lace undies and sheer stockings, letting it spring free between Jeff's legs the head pushing his limp two inch cock off to the side and slightly lifting the front of his pink apron. He wasn't even sure how big Paulena's woman cock was any more, some times it seemed like each day was a new size. "Please, my ass is still sore from last night."
Paulena just laughed. "You talk as if you have a choice," she gloated standing head and shoulders over Jeff. "You broke the rules, talking with your buddies before your chores are done," She pointed out, "means you take it up the ass no lube." she purred. "Not having them done when I get home," she whispered in a honey dewed tone as she bent the former college All American Quarterback over the sink with ease teasing his gaping asshole with a cock head the size of a lemon. "You will suck me off after." She then shoved the full length in to him unapologetically, with a moan from her lips and scream followed by labored breathing from him. She then leaned over his prone form and whispered in a very devious tone. "and for arguing with me, My 'cute little wife'," she punctuated "I am leaving the shit on it for you to clean off." She then proceeded to violate his ass, and like every night before that for the last six months the Dupree house was filled the howls, screams and whimpers of Jeff; and the laughter and pleasured moans of his Husband Paulena.
Chapter 2: Remembering
As Paulena lay there sleeping soundly with a satisfied smile playing on her lips Jeff laid there, angry frustrated, and in pain. The throbbing in his ass causing him to have to lay on his side. She had came inside him eight times that night, six times in his tender ass and twice in the mouth and to spite the fact he was not allowed to touch his own cock and nor had she, he him self had came twice. He wanted so bad to play with his cock, but he knew if Paulena woke up and caught him she'd take another injection.
The injections... that was how it had all started. Well, not really Jeff just blamed the injections really the situation he was in had started three years ago. Jeff and Paulena had met in college, he was the 'Big Man on Campus", Star Quarterback, three time All American, getting the full ride on his athletic prowess. Paulena was a runner, cheerleader, and science geek maintaining a 3.8 GPA. She was 5'2" tall, light weight and flexible. All things Jeff loved. What really brought them together was one night when some drunk at a frat party started to harass Paulena and Jeff knocked him out cold. From that moment on they where inseparable. Jeff the white knight galloping in on his stead to protect his fair princess. Paulen
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