Girl Pox: The Kumi Kunversion (incest, non-futa, gender transformation)

Story by Hardcover

Here's the prequel to Girl Pox. This one tells what happened to Kumi-kun, who was mentioned briefly as having disappeared in the first story. It takes place about a week before the first chapter. There's two sex scenes, one yuri one strait, some anal and incest as well and the story is 31 pages long. I basically like it, though the dialogue isn't as much fun as it was in the first two chapter. This chapter got done way faster then I'd expected, but then again since Zippy Zipperdale bit the dust, I've had more time to write the smut. Please comment or hit the thank button if you like this story.

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By Hardcover

Dear Friends:

At times, the life of an otaku can be a lonely, and yes, quiet scary place to live in. And it was at one of those times that I found myself trudging home from Jū-dai No Sutoresu School in Tokyo, on my way back to the apartment my parents rented for me. My hair was a mess as were my clothes and I was covered in bruises. It had been my misfortune to run into a gang of bullies on the way out of class, and the apes had worked me over a little before running off laughing at my expense. I had reacted the same way I always did: By curling up in a ball and waiting for the punches and kicks to stop. Yeah, I know, I’m a complete wimp, but if you’d seen the size of some of those guys, you’d probably get why I didn’t even bother trying to fight back.

My name is Fujiwara Kumi, and I’m eighteen years old. Seeing me wandering along the street like that, I’m sure anyone would have correctly pegged me for an otaku: a skinny, lanky guy with thick black hair that never seemed to stay strait. Small wire frame glasses on my face. Yes, it seemed my nerdism was obvious to all concerned, which was probably why I got targeted by the Sasquatch squad all the time. Being a member of the Otaku Club probably didn’t help either. In my way, I felt like the nerdiest of the nerds in the club: Even my best friend Saski Hisoka had a girlfriend, Noriko-chan, although they seemed to be having some trouble lately. The rest of the gang, Keiichi-kun, Shoji-kun, Iwoa-kun, and Toshi-kun and a few others, all seemed like the epitome of coolness compared to me. At least, that’s how I perceived it; and the bullies as well.

I grew up in Hokkaido, but go to school here in Tokyo which was why I had my own apartment. My parents are pretty decent folk, and do alright for themselves, so they were easily able to afford the extra rent. My older brother, Norio-kun, also went to college in Tokyo but far on the other side so he had his own place. As far as I could tell, Norio-kun was majoring in pussy and pot, and spent a lot of his money and time on those pursuits. Still, he was hip and cool and