Catch 22000 (Clean)

Story by Milo Foxie

Uhm first off, this is not an erotic story, it's something i wrote a while back that i've been spreading like the plague and never getting any reviews for, so please, be harsh and tell me how i can improve!


Catch 22000

There was a slight hum as a pale blue light lit up the passenger deck of the Transport Cruiser. Faint outlines of chairs faded into sight as their occupants shifted uncomfortably. The blast shields had recently closed.

A voice crackled across the intercom "Good morning passengers this is the co-pilot speaking the blast shields have been closed for your protection as we hit At-mo. We will be landing at Taranda space port at 0935 local time please enjoy your stay and adhere to the rules."

The ship began to rumble and, as the cabin began to heat up, a slight red glow began to replace the blue. Then, as suddenly as it began, the rumbling stopped and the red glow faded. Slowly the blast shields ground open and brilliant light flooded in, temporarily blinding all the passengers. The co-pilot's voice broke the awed silence "If you look to your left you will see the magnificent sight of Taranda's double suns rising."

The lizard man was the last onto the landing bay, silently taking in the cold metal scenery as the light steadily disappeared with the closing roof.

Globelights flickered on revealing two queues under two signs, "Human" and "Xeno."

Anger welled up in the Lizard Man "How dare they put such an insult on entry" he muttered under his breath.

He joined the line of nonhumans, his long tail lashing from side to side. As he reached the counter a plump human official in a black and red uniform looked him up and down

"Purpose of visit?"

"Work" replied the lizard tersely.

The official looked amused, "Really. Name?"

"In your tongue I have only one name. Zeth." he answered bluntly.

The official nodded. "Have you read and understood the laws?"

"They're the same everywhere in the Galaxy, right?" Zeth's reply was less than enthusiastic.

The man handed him a small pamphlet, "Read and enjoy." he smirked, "Now move along."

Zeth followed a steadily rising walkway toward the nearest exit and glanced at the plain pamphlet he had been given. He had reached the top of the walkway as he read the local laws of the planet. He was glad he'd stopped walking.

Any being entering this planet is granted immediate citizenship and is subject to the laws of this planet.

No Cruiser may leave planetside without proper authorisation.

All Off world communication will be monitored

No Being may leave Taranda without first finding work.

Any Xenos performing an act of insult or violence toward a Human will immediately have their citizenship revoked and be labelled an outlaw.

Outlaws will be punished to the full extent of the laws of the Governing Council.

No Xenos may work.

A figure leaning against the wall looked up. Spotting Zeth he pushed himsel