So Here's Another New One

Story by Chadwickster

Ok fellow FP'ers, I have for you, another new story I'm starting. It is about Borderlands, and more specifically about the female character known as Lillith. If my story doesn't make sense to anyone or if they haven't played Borderlands, just PM me and I will gladly explain. ^_^ And as for where I got the idea for my story, well, let's just say I have been playing Borderlands alot, much to the dismay of my poor Xbox, anyway, without further adieu here is my story! And remember, comments and criticism are always appreciated and welcomed! :16:

Borderlands Untold

By: Chadwickster

"Hey, whatcha doing?'' asked a bandit to another bandit as he joined him by a roasting skag.

"Nothing, just watching this son of a bitch burn.'' said the second bandit, chuckling as he poked the roasted carcass with a stick.

"You wanna go have fun with Jess?'' asked the first bandit with a smirk.

"Heh, you know what? I think I do.'' said the second bandit.


Looking through the scope of her rifle, Lillith watched the two bandits carefully to make sure there weren't any others around. After carefully scanning the area she decided that these two were alone, at least for a little bit. Focusing on the first bandit's head she pulled the trigger and before the bullet even impacted with the bandit's head she left loose her second one for the second bandit's head.


"Hey, did you he----.'' was all the first bandit said before his head exploded and his lifeless body fell to the ground, spreading a pool of blood all around his body.

"OH SH---!'' before he could even finish his sentence, the second bandit's head erupted in a gory mess much like his friends, sending parts of skull, brain and gore every which way.


"I love my job.'' said Lillith to herself with a grin painted on her plump lips. Tying her sniper rifle to her back, she reached down and pulled out the Atlas Primal Masher revolver she had in her holster.

Carefully maneuvering her way down the rocky path, she glanced left and right and making sure there was nobody around, she ran to the tent she knew her target was in. Opening the tent flap Lillith was greeted with nothing but darkness. Using her natural instincts Lillith ducked just at the right second as a pipe came crashing against the tent's door pole, sending it crashing in pieces and collapsing the tent on Lillith would-be attacker.

Rolling backwards Lillith came back up in a crouch with her revolver pointed at the attacker who was struggling under the fallen tent. "Who are you, and why did you attack me?'' asked Lillith in her sweet sing-song voice.

"Wow, you dodged that? That's truly amazing, I mean my god, I have never seen that shit outside of, well, outside of movies! Damn girl, you are something else.'' said a voice on top of the hill next to her.

"Give me the girl, and I will le