Avatar the last Airbender: Aang's birthday surprise

Story by LABAD

I don't own Avatar the last Airbender, this story is purely fanmade. Contains futa/male, oral, gangbang and slight rape at first. My first futa story and i'd love feedback. I might make this into a multi-chapter story.

Aang’s birthday surprise

“Happy birthday Aang!” a crowd of people cheered as one bald boy stood in front of them in complete shock.

“E-Eh?” Aang said completely taken off guard. “You guys are throwing a surprise party for me?”

“Well duh!” Aang’s friend Sokka said. “You don’t see the expensive banner that reads Happy Birthday Aang? Or the expensive birthday cake with a giant 16 on it?”

“Was it really all that expensive?” Aang asked.

“As a matter of fact-” a hand clasped over Sokka’s mouth muffling his last words.

“Sokka don’t be like that,” Sokka’s girlfriend, as well as one of Aang’s close friends, Suki growled. “Now be nice.” Sokka just rolled his eyes as Aang looked at all his surroundings.

“Everyone’s here, even Jong Jong.” Aang smiled.

“Yeah and it wasn’t even hard finding him this time,” Aang’s other friend Zuko said.

“Well what are we standing here for?” Sokka asked the people. “I didn’t buy expensive alcohol for nothing!”

Everyone cheered as the party began and soon got out of control, Sokka hadn’t anticipated how many people would attend so he bought an extreme amount of booze so there was plenty for everyone to drink. “Wooooo!!!” Tai Lee yelled jumping on a table. “Party party party!” She then proceeded to throw her top off and dance to the music which made the party all the more lively.

“I’d like to dedicate…” Sokka slurred as he held a drunken Suki in his firm grasp. “This…this social gathering…..to my good friend AANG!!!!”

“Go Aang!!” drunk Zuko yelled from across the room. “And has anyone seen Mai anywhere?”

“I’m right here stupid,” not-so-drunk Mai groaned right next to him.

Aang, who had a few too many drinks because both Sokka and Boomy literally poured a lot down his throat, began searching for someone he hadn’t seen since early morning. “Katara?” he called. “Katara…hide and seek is so….so…..kiddy!” At that moment he saw another one of his friends sitting on the bench just outside the rowdy house. “Toph? Whaddya doin’ out here there’s a party goin’ on inside.” Aang slurred staggering toward the blind girl.

“There you are,” Toph said standing up. She appeared to be completely sober as she grasped his hand firmly. “Come on, Katara and I have been waiting forever!”

“Waitin’ for what?” Aang asked. “I-Is Ozai attacking someone?”

“No idiot, you beat him four years ago, God you’re drunk aren’t you?” Toph asked.

“I’m not….I-I’m not….” Aang paused for a minute. “I’m not….drunk.”

Toph sighed as she lead the air nomad al