'Untitled' as of yet. Not the best attention grabber but read it anyway!!

Story by AlliKat

Sooooooooo Hi! I'm not necessarily new around here but I have been really just lurking a bit. Sorry!

So this isn't my first story but it's kinda the first I want to start putting out there. My writting process involves a lot of re-writting, so every time I sit down I end up re-writting everything I wrote the day (maybe week..or month *yikes*) before. Consequently this all might change bit by bit while it's up and it takes me forever to get new pages together. I'm hoping that by posting this it'll light a fire under me to get more written!

As far as content there will of course be futa (why we're all here anyways!) and furry stuff (cause I *hearts* it). Beyond that I haven't quite decided. If you read the first two chapters I'm putting up you'll see there isn't really any hot and heavy stuff...at all! Sorry about that for those of you who are looking to dive right in. Just not my style so fair warning! Also I'm super attatched to some of these characters and I end up really caring what happens to them.

Most importantly I'd really love some feed back...good, bad or indifferent! So enough chit chat:

She lay in a pool of light. Alternating pink and orange hues seeped through her closed eyelids, and, as she stretched, working out the strange stiffness in her limbs, the warmth of the light wrapped around her. Grass prickled the skin of her bare arms and legs, long blades, long enough to sift through her bare toes, while a gentle but persitent nudging at her breast coaxed her to open her eyes. A flood of greens and browns swaying in a warm breeze, blurry at first but slowly resolved to trees high above. She lifted her head, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

The nudging at her chest grew more insistant, and taking her hand from her eyes, she saw a small, blue-furred paw, big enough barely to grasp a tennis ball, poking her like a child would poke a strange bug examining it. Strartled, she pushed back, scooting paniced inches through the tall grass. The paw, and the strange creature to whom it belonged, jerked backwards as well. She scrambled to a sitting position, tucking her legs in, knees to chest, wrapping her arms around them. The creature turned lithly in the tall grass, slowly, an enormous tail whipping behind it it a graceful arc, until it faced her once again, head cocked to one side. Its triangle shaped ears, points tufted with fur, pushed forward. It spoke.

"What are you?" it chirped in a high pitched but lyrical tone.

Her mouth opened, soundless, forming a dark circle ringed by pink lips. After a few moments, the russle of the wind through the leaves high overhead puntuating the silence, it spoke again, padding forward towards her slowly, one cautious step and then another, the tall grass parting.

"What are [I