A Little Secret (Loli, Shota, Trap, Futa, Incest)

Story by Sabre Wing


Ichigo was not in a very good mood, as he went to school. Everybody, who saw him, could see that.

"Now, don't be like that!" said his cousin, Yumi, who went beside him. "You are acting as if you are led to the shambles."

"Maybe you are right there...," he answered grumpily.

Yumi shook her head. "Really, you are too pessimistic. So far, it worked pretty well, didn't it?"

"This can't go on so good forever. Some day, they will find out."

"Well, if I wouldn't now anything and someone would tell me the truth, I would never believe it. It's the same with the others. I mean, what should they do to find it out. Strip you?

"You are thinking too simple..."

"And you have too low confidence. Even though you are such a cute girl..."

Yumi looked at her cousin, smiling. He really looked like a girl, with his soft, feminine face, long blond hair and luminous blue eyes. The girls' school uniform in sailor style did the rest. No one, who saw him, would guess his true gender.

"I'm not a girl," he replied grumpily.

"But you look like one. That's why mom raised you like that."

"And put me into girls' clothes. I was the laughing stock of the entire school..."

"But you liked it, didn't you? And their mockery never bothered you.

"You are right... But I still wonder what aunty Reiko was thinking. Sending me, a boy, to a girls' school!"

"Well, mom is a very special woman, after all."

Yumi had an absent-minded expression on her face. Ichigo didn't even want to know, what she was thinking of.

"I think," she then said, "it's because she went to the Tanari High herself. She always said that she want to sent me there. Seems like she can't let go of it.

"And she used the fact, that I look like a girl, to send me there too."

"She only means well, Ichi-chan."

"I know that..."

"And if anybody in your class teases, just tell me, alright? After all, I'm a year older than them and a figure of respect for them."

Ichigo smiled, when he heard that. You could say about Yumi what you want, but she really loved him like a little brother. Just as his aunt Reiko loved him like a son. It was six years ago, that his parents died in a car crash and Reiko took him in. Since then, he lived a pretty good life. However, even now, with his twelve years, he sometimes thought of his parents. But he knew that it was no use to grief over them forever and he found a family in Reiko and Yumi.

"Maybe you are right, Yumi," Ichigo said. "But still, we have to be careful. It wouldn't end well, if somebody finds it out."

"Well, we all have our secrets, even on the Tanari High," Yumi replied giggling.

Ichigo looked at her questioningly, but she didn't say anything. So they just resumed their way.

Chapter 1

Ichigo was the only boy on the Tanari High, even though only he and his cousin were aware of that. Other than him, the only males here were teachers and not even all of them. So, he was surrounded by pretty girls. Many