Phys Ed, the companion to Sick Note

Story by aaronmv2k6

Okay, here it is, Phys Ed Chapter 1

Phys Ed

by aaron

Chapter I

Lisa walked into the P.E. locker rooms and sighed. Today was her third day of freshman year at St. Bonaventure Private High School, and the first day that she and the rest of her classmates had dressed out. But before they went to their next class, they would be taking a shower in the school's communal showers. Lisa had never heard of a school with communal showers, but her mother had reassured her. "Don't worry, honey." she had said "I'm sure everyone there's gonna be as uneasy about it as you." Lisa felt a lot more than uneasy, but she quickly undressed, and then covered herself. She was a little relieved to find that most of the other girls were following suit. Some of the juniors and seniors were apparently more used to being nude in here, and didn't bother to cover themselves. Lisa walked into the showers, found an open one, and was relieved to see that the steam obscured most everything. Lisa picked up some soap, and started to wash her hair, face and chest. Lisa started on her back, when she heard a gasp next to her. Lisa turned, and saw that a girl next to her was looking between her legs, with a shocked look on her face. For some reason that Lisa couldn't explain, she looked between the girl's legs too.

Why doesn't she hav-

"THERE'S A BOY IN THE SHOWERS!" the girl shrieked. Lisa looked bewilderingly at her. What is she talking about, she thought, I'm not a boy. The other girls in the shower turned to the source of the outburst, and screamed too. Lisa started to back out of the shower, when someone grabbed her by the arm and shoved her against the wall. Lisa looked up at her, a tall upperclassmen with green eyes and dark-chocolate skin. "What the FUCK do you think you're doing in here, you little perv!" she yelled at the now-sobbing Lisa. Two more students stood at her side. The girl that grabbed her looked at Lisa's crotch, and then cocked her head. She grabbed Lisa's cock and lifted it.

"Eeewwww, Jen! Don't touch i-" muttered one of the girls. She stopped as she saw what wasn't, and what was instead, below what Jen lifted.

"What the fuck?" asked Jen, slowly.

Kelly Tachibana, 4th period P.E. teacher, looked up from her papers and towards the showers. She heard someone shriek, but couldn't make out the words. Shit, she thought to herself, someone must've slipped in there. Every semester this happens at least once, she shook her head as she quickly got out of her chair and jogged towards the showers. Halfway there, Kelly heard one of the studends saying something that made her stop, then break out into a run.

"What IS she?" one of the student next to Jen said.

"Freak!" hissed the other.

Jen pulled Lisa away from the wall, but she and everyone else froze as the teacher reached the showers. "GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!!" yelled Ms. Tachibana, in a tone that could've made a lion piss itself in terror. Jen let go of Lisa, who then dropped to the ground. Ms. Tachib