Story about a sex farm

Story by alucard346

This is a story I'm writing for hentai foundry about a sex farm with multiple different types of sex slaves. It will have cowgirls, horsegirls(basically horse dicks/big dicks), ponygirls(bdsm style not the anime), super sex addicts, ext.

The first chapter is about cowgirls and the second is about a ponygirl. The third chapter is about the early changes in a horsegirl and the forth one is about her introduction with her new sisters.

This story is also at hentai-foundry: , please support it there!

Chapter 1: Cowgirls


Cammy was never quick to rise in the morning, but today was an exception. Today a new slave will be added to the herd, something that rarely happens.

She stretched her arms and yawned loudly, as she does every morning. She looks around the barn and saw the other cowgirls sleeping or starting to wake up. It was six am and bright in the bar from the rising sun. She looked in her mid size pin and saw her fellow pin mate, Sara, asleep while sitting with her back against the wall. Sara was in her early twenties and was medium sized for a cowgirl. She had very wide hips, large breasts both around the size of her torso, and long straight blonde hair. Like half of the cowgirls in the barn, including Cammy, Sara is a futa with a long twelve inch cock and balls the size of coco nuts. Cammy herself has very large breasts, wide hips, wavy brown hair that goes to her mid back, very large balls and had a thirteen inch erect cock.

Cammy felt the tension on her breast and balls and noticed that milk was lightly leaking from her great tits and precum drooled from her cock. She decided to continue on with her morning routine. Her hair fell downward as she crawls on her hands and knees over to her milking station, knowing that walking is forbidden for cowgirls. The milking station itself consisted of two round suction cups, meant to attach around her nipples for milking, connected to tubes that led to a large tank, a wide variety of vibrators, and her personal favorite: a long cylindrical suction device designed to stroke her cock to repeated orgasms to collect her cum. She placed the two suction cups onto her watermelon sized tits and the suction device on her hard cock. She then put vibrators into both her pussy and her ass and turns the milking machine on. Cammy immediately feels the relief and pleasure of the milk slowly drain from her erect nipples and enjoys her cock device slowly stroke her faster, getting up to its usual speed.
