Poor Impulse Control

Story by Eianna Cale

READ THIS FIRST: I don't generally write very often, and when I do, the work tends to reflect what I'm most into at any given moment. With this piece, which I wrote months ago and posted on Hentai Foundry, I was in a rather brutal mood- Which I still am, hence the reason I am posting it here. I tend to write in a somewhat unorthodox(I suppose) manner; There's no first draft, or RTF copy on my hard drive. When I write something new, it's in the text field of whatever I'm posting it to. This means there will be spelling errors, typos, erroneous homonyms, etc. All I'm really saying is that there will be some issues regarding the finished product's loose relationship with the English language's idiosyncrasies.

READ THIS AS WELL: This story is rather brutal. The main character is a horrible individual. She is not very likable. She does abominable things. Generally, she does these things to good people who are very nice. If you do not like pain, rape, inflation, (extreme)impregnation/pregnancy, and sex-caused-injuries(such as bruises, broken bones, and gashes/deep cuts. If these things are not to your liking, do not read on. That kind of sadistic sex is going to be a mainstay of my stories.

To describe Ellen in a single word would take a monumental effort. This is not to say that Ellen is complicated- It is merely immensely difficult to pick which synonym of "shipwreck" to use in that particular instance.

Imagine, if you will, someone who is urged to do nothing more than what they want at that particular moment. They are not lazy- They'll go to any lengths to do this particular something, whatever it is.

Ellen is that, in a nutshell, with some added(gallons of) misanthropy and the inability to align her momentary goals with anything that will allow her success in life. She could succeed- Perhaps not easily, or as a rocket scientist- But she could. Life gifted her with an above average intelligence which could be applied to any number of fields to live from. Life gifted her with a rather excellent physical form, as well. Her body is toned and athletic, though not muscular. She's tall, actually edging out the six foot mark. By and large, her flesh is quite the treat for the eyes: Startlingly perky breasts, each at the size of a ripe apple. Plump and grippable handholds for the one she chooses to bed... Her belly smooth and trim, the slight pouch of belly fat barely an inch's worth above the muscle adding that extra bit of depth most crave. Her waist tapers in, and her hips flare out enough to imbalance her chest- if only slightly- padded by the globes of her plump rear end. This all presented wrapped in her pale skin- as if she had never caught sight of the sun- and headed by a beauty most... frightening.

The face itself, when not locked in sleep or anger- her two most used expressions- was the most incredible of her features. Smooth, rounde