A Futa Futcha (Futa/F group, scifi)

Story by Genophan

This is the first part of what is currently a trilogy ....hope you like


Many years had slipped by since humanity first entered the cold, dark, vast emptiness of space. The moon landing was the first tentative baby step into the unknown and who could have foretold then that the true destiny of Earth’s children sat waiting for them at some distant point between the stars, for it was during this initial stage that mankind looked back on the small green blue planet they called home and realized just how small they were compared to the near infinite reach of space. So, as time progressed and technology advanced, the decision was made to reach out to new planets in order to terraform and populate. It was an ambitious goal to be sure, and it was in this attempt to extend humankind’s grasp that something was discovered …something that was to change the face of mankind forever.

Those first faltering steps in the vast unknown bought with it a price …at first it wasn’t thought to be anything other than the discovery of an ancient society, a civilisation long since passed into antiquity, and amidst the ruination of this antediluvian world lay certain relics. These relics dated back to long before humanity had gathered the wherewithal to drag itself from the bondage of primordial instinct. Yet, the term relic itself is a bit of a misrepresentation, though these objects were indeed ancient, the level of technology that they possessed was like nothing that even the most inspired mind would dream of creating. Though for many years they remained nothing more than a curiosity, that is until a brilliant scientist unlocked their power, and in doing so bought about his own destruction. Though it wasn’t just his end that was met that day …nor just the end of every man in that complex, but something was unleashed from within the relic that spread throughout the globe in one unstoppable plague that wiped every person from the face of the earth that bore a ‘Y’ chromosome …not one human ‘male’ was spared.

With an entire gender now purged from the face of the earth things looked bleak for the continuation of the species. Oh sure, there were a few men stationed in deep space or who were off planet that were spared the wrath of the relics, but they numbered in tens, the ’gentler’ sex was counted in billions. For a while the answer lay in sciences ability new life in test tubes. It was something that humans had dabbled with for many generations now and over that time the techniques had been refined and perfected, though of course, only female embryo’s ever became viable as it seemed that whatever it was that had been unleashed into the planets atmosphere was now so intimately bound to every molecule that no male could ever set foot or even be sired on the Earth again.

Of course, the whole procedure became ludicrously expensive to the point where children became very much the luxury item, affor