Resident Evil / Biohazard - Futanari Fantasy Insanity

Story by Magick

Resident Evil: Futanari Fantasy Insanity

The Undead return with an unconquerable and terrifying appetite

for sex. Futanari monsters are unleashed as a result of scientific

research on the T-Virus in an underground facility in the Arklay Mountains.

The result is catastrophe, plague, insanity, and romance...

A history of exhilarating detail and depth -

, Magick

Chapter 00: Prologue - Fate And Consequence

And it came to pass that I spake

unto my brethren, saying: Let us go

up again unto Jerusalem, and let us

be faithful in keeping the command-

ments of the Lord; for behold he is

mightier than all the earth, then why

not mightier than Laban and his

fifty, yea, or even than his tens of


- 1 NEPHI 4:1

Controversy and bewilderment are alive in Raccoon City as the newspapers

and local networks are telling of the ghastly massacres. One after another, people

in neighborhoods and parks around the Arklay Mountain forest region are being

attacked in the night and murdered. Victims are apparently raped to death...

Police have sealed off the areas and are undertaking a secret investigation of the grizzly

happenings. Police Chief Brian Irons maintains that secrecy is required to preserve

a level head about the events in order to unmask the perpetrators, allegedly a

"crazed sex cult."

A sexy young businesswoman, about 27 years old, wearing professional office attire pulls into the

driveway of her suburban house, clicking the garage door opener before stepping out of her

car and walking inside the garage. She is of medium height, about 5'7, and dressed in a

seductive blouse typical of office-work, and black tight-fitting pants of some soft cottony material.

She closes the garage door and walks into the house, wagging her ass like a vixen, high heels clicking,

immediately turning the light on and noticing the screen door to the backyard is open. She sets

her purse down and walks out into the darkness of the unfenced yard bordered by forest.

Woman: Honey..? Are you out here?

She shudders and walks back inside, closing the screen door behind her and locking it.

Woman: Why was the door open? Matt?

From the bedroom, she hears the bed squeaking as if someone is rousing from sleep. Visibly

relieved, she sighs and walks toward the bedroom.

Woman: What did i tell you about leaving the door open? Anyone could just stroll right in

and do God knows what!

She enters the dark bedroom and begins to feel around for the lamp on her bedside table.

Woman: Honey, are you awake.....?

She pauses in horror as the light flicks on and she witnesses the naked corpse of her husband,

wide-eyed and prostrate, laying stomach-side-up on the bed with his head hanging off the side,

his dull, dead eyes fixed in horror and bloodshot pain. There is semen pouring from his mouth,

nose, and ass, as well as covering his body and the bed in splotches. She screams as she turns to

run from the room, knocking the lamp over in a hurried fright. The