Dear Captains log(STO based)

Story by lerdan

Here is teh text file for anyone who wants to read it with better formatting.

Dear captains log

Stardate 8235.92 the starship U.S.S. Star-finder is docked at starbase 17 for resupply and re-manning. The new crewmen are greeted by the first officer. The first officer was a tall slender Vulcan female who's uniform was busting at the seam’s.

The new male officer where at there full attention for her. The first officer gave a speech to the new crewmen “ Greetings My name is T'Raul I am the first officer on this ship as you already know this is a federation Vulcan ship so the majority of it's crew are Vulcan I hope this transition can be every smoothly for you and if any one you has an issue with anything please come to me and I will make it my duty to make your posting here as enjoyable as it can be but if you get out of line then it is my duty to punish you and I do enjoy every aspect of my job. This ship does have a different dress code then most federation ships if any of you are not comfortable with the ships uniform please feel free to wear your normal federation uniform To those of you who have your assignment I will let you get to know this ship and your fellow shipmates dismissed”

As the cargo bay emptied a lone ensign was standing in alone as the T'Raul came to the young ensign she asked for her name. The young ensign did her best to stand at attention as the first officer walked over to her. With a smile commander T'Raul asked the young ensign what she was doing . The Young ensign respond that she did not have an assignment yet. T'Raul smiled and asked for the ensigns name. She eagerly told T'Raul “ my name is ensign Ashley Anderson“

Commander T'Raul asked ensign Anderson to follow her to the captain quarters where she will be given an assignment. As The two walked they made some small talk the commander asked a lot of personal questions that the ensign was to shy to answer but during their long walk to the captain quarters the ensign began to think of the commander as a friend.

When they arrived at the captain quarters the Commander lead ensign Anderson into his room. The room was decorated with strange looking objects. The commander walked into the next room she could not hear her because of the large door that separated the two rooms. Soon enough the commander exited the room and asked ensign Anderson to come in. The young ensign followed Commander T'Raul who she thought was someone she could call a friend that was unit she entered the captain room. Standing in the middle of the room was a large round metal device on it was a female andorian completely naked covered in sweat.

She then heard a mans voice she turned around to see a buff looking Vulcan male she blushed when she saw the size of his cock. She took a step back suddenly she felt something soft pres against her back a pair of hands warped themselves around her it was the commander. She kissed the ensigns neck and whispered into her