THE RAVENOUS: A Story About Vampires That Isn't About Twilight

Story by Shai-Hulud

First off, I hate Twilight. Second, this is a work in progress that's centered around vampires. Eventually, it will be a collective of stories revolving around futa/shemales, domination, horror, and adventure. Comments and suggestions are most certainly welcome, but just know that not every chapter is going to be based on erotica. Anyways, I hope someone enjoys this. I'll be more enthused to write stories if I'm catering to an audience.



The consistent percussion of raindrops battered the church's roof like a hale storm. It was maybe a little over half way into the rainy autumn night when a man garbed in dunned robes burst into the chapel's halls. He was drenched and dirty like a half-drowned rat, struggling for his breath and immersed in panic.

The lobby was seemingly vacant, despite the few rows of candles that were valiantly fighting the dark. The intruder began to breath easier, finding peace in his sanctum. He delicately closed the doors he had charged through a moment earlier.

A sigh of relief escaped his shivering lips.

Suddenly, a hand set itself on his shoulder. In a burst of alarm, he spun around swiftly and struck the stranger in the mandible with his forearm; almost in the same instance, he began bolting for the door.

As the man's glancing eyes fell onto the figure who had just hit the ground, he began to calm down almost as quickly as he had been riled up.

"Father, I apologize! Oh God, please forgive me," he begged apologetically. He leaned forward to help the priest up.

The elderly man gazed up in uncertainty. "My son, you cannot act so irrationally here! This is a house of God," he scolded furiously. The priest accepted the helping hand and recomposed himself once on his feet.

"You have the Devil's frenzy in you! You cannot stay here!"

The traveler dropped to his knees in seemingly unjustifiable terror. He wept from beneath his hood and pleaded, "Father, I beg of you! I seek sanctuary! Something wicked tracked my footsteps! I can only be safe here!"

The more enthralled that the distraught figure became, the harder he clutched something inside his cloak. Although his face was hidden inside his garbs, the priest could see snot dripping from his mouth and nose in a very disgusting yet pitiful manner.

In a sigh of disgust, the priest took mercy on the weary figure. He heartily rested his hand on the man's head. "Rise to your feet. Show some decency and I will permit you to stay until the morning. Then you must be on your way," he ordered sternly.

The man scurried to his feet, crying joyously to the priest's aid. "Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you," he irrationally repeated in thankfulness.

As the soaked man dragged his feet behind him, with his leather boots squeaking awkwardly, he began to calm down again.

The priest wal