Stand and Deliver

Story by Theromen

Slow development of sexual content, futa/female, teen, lesbianism, brief incest, war, violence

Hello all. Now I know the vote for the choice of story panned out in favor of Ylva The Shewolf, but in all honesty when i went back and looked at the material I had at hand I realized I actually had more finished for Stand than for Ylva. I still plan on posting ylva, but just a bit later when I have more material. I'll be doing my usual transcribing and posting and hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this one and the others. The other stories will be coming along as I finish up with this one so please bear with my slowster ass. :D

The story will begin in the second post on this page. Once more though, thanks to all who voted and posted for these tales, it really helped with the decision of my direction. And thanks to those who have continued to read. you guys rock. :16: