Big Mary's Big Day - (size, futa/fem, muscle, lots of cum)

Story by eccentricman

Just got a quiet weekend and thought I'd do something quick and dirty. The other stuff I've been working on is still going ahead, but Classroom Discipline has stalled for the moment - just good old fashioned writer's block.

Anyway, without further ado:

Big Mary lay with her head on her arm, staring out of a window at nothing and waiting for some John to come in and hire her for a half-hour of sweating and grunting. She had only been working this town for a few weeks, but word had already got around: there was a sassy new girl available if you were man enough for a ride.

She was aware that she was not a model beauty in any sense, but it didn’t matter to her much… it never drove the guys away. She was too athletic for starters; years of running around the farm did that to a girl, especially with no menfolk around. Her hair was too red and her shining white teeth had a small gap between her front pair. Her breasts were too generous and round to fit into a fashionable dress and, of course, there was no dress that could contain the secret of her success.

The ‘Big’ in Big Mary went two ways: firstly, she was taller than most men at a couple of inches past six feet in height and secondly, she had a cock that would make a horse blush. A cock that, to date, had made her more money than any job she had ever held down. It was a masterpiece of reverse psychology on her part, one which was paying handsomely right now.

She heard the door open behind her and some heavy footsteps stomping across the wooden floor, not moving even when a massive arm slid past her and dropped a stack of bills on the table. Her eyes flicked to the note slipped into the money band, one that aid simply, “Outside.”

Big Mary smiled to herself and pocketed the cash quickly before standing up, the smile fading slightly as something about this scene tickled her brain. She looked over her shoulder quickly and saw a huge, hulking shape duck out of the door and shook her head. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary.

As she made her way to the door, she checked in her coat pocket for her selection of condoms and nodded to herself in confirmation of a full stock. Her cock had drawn another customer as sure as bees to pollen.

It was always the same thing with her, some jock, some macho meathead, some ‘roided up bodybuilder trying to make themselves feel bigger, more potent and more virile by fucking the vagina hidden behind the heavy balls of the biggest cock in the state. She knew all the tricks, the “I’ve never had anything so big down there before,” the “Oooh, you’re so big… you’re gonna make me cum.” It was all money in the bank from these insecure metrosexual men looking for the caveman hit.

Opening the door, she felt the sun on her like a caress, her sneakered feet crunching over sand and road dust as she made her way to the alley that ran behind the building. In the harsh summ