Three Stories

Story by danath

Here are a few more old stories I'd posted on Powerweapons back in 2005. They're really not very good. :(

Once upon a time, Goldilox (so nicknamed for his long, blonde hair) was taking a nice walk through the woods. He was on his way home from her mother’s house and was enjoying the leaves turning.

Goldilox didn’t much like his nickname, but it stuck with him and he stubbornly refused to cut his hair. Right now, it was held up underneath his baseball cap.

He decided to take a different route through the woods, one he hadn’t been on before. It wasn’t marked clearly – the sign pointing it out was nearly hidden in shrubs and he only chanced to see it glinting in the late afternoon sun. The path was overgrown with weeds but still mostly smooth and walkable.

He realized this path mirrored his usual path to some extent, but was quieter and slightly more ominous, an effect of the thicker tree canopy above him. A chill wind suddenly gusted about him and he hugged his windbreaker tighter around his slim frame.

He was wondering if the path did, in fact, end up near his usual exit from the woods when he stepped into a clearing. The clearing was unusual, in that it was a meticulously kept lawn and, he saw, even had a tidy-looking house in the middle.

He walked along the edge, admiring the house and wondering who lived there. As he passed, he saw the back of the house and a large garden. Someone was working in the garden, he realized, busy pulling weeds.

He kept walking, trying to be unobtrusive, but the person looked up and saw him – a large woman, he realized. Goldilox smiled and nodded, but she stood up and waved.

“Hello there!” she called out to him.

Not wanting to be rude, Goldilox smiled and waved back.

“Say, would you give me a hand?” the woman called. “I need to move a few boards and my sisters are out at the moment.”

Goldilox shrugged and walked over to the garden. “Sure,” he said. “Always glad to help out.”

“Oh, good – it’ll be nice to get things done before they get back,” the woman said. “I’m Wanda.”

Up close, Wanda was even larger than Goldilox realized. She was broad-shouldered and looked very fit, with big arms and legs. She was wearing an apron and a button-up blouse, as well as a large brown dress. Brown hair framed her face, which Goldilox thought looked very nice.

“I’m Goldilox,” Goldilox said. Seeing the puzzled look on Wanda’s face, he lifted his cap, letting his hair fall down around his shoulders. “The hair, see?”

“Oh, that’s funny!” Wanda said. “Goldilox… fitting nickname, right?”


“Well, I need to get a few pieces of lumber moved in closer to the house – we’re building an addition,” Wanda said, motioning to a small pile of boards. “There’s just few – mind helping me out?”

“No, it’s no problem,” Goldilox said. They both walked over and