Danny Phantom - The Squirm (futa/f, futa-transformation, parasite)

Story by MaetchMan

Alright, just to prove that I'm no stalker, I've decided to try and put up a story I've been thinking of for some time. If it's considered good enough, I'll write more.

Current tags include futa/f, futa-transformation, and parasite. I'll add more as they come up.

All Danny Phantom stuff (c) Butch Hartman/Nick


FentonWorks Basement...

"Okay, let me run it through your noggin one last time, Boxy," Danny Phantom said with a scowl as he placed a filled Fenton Thermos into a small nozzle next to the Ghost Zone portal. "You have about the scare factor of a limp noodle, so do us all a favor and don't waste everybody's time."

"BEWARE!" was all the Box Ghost could shout as the nozzle activated, sucking him out of the Thermos and ejecting him back into the Ghost Zone. His job done, Danny detransformed and put the Thermos on a lab table. He was so eager to enjoy some quiet time that he didn't even realize that he left the nozzle feed open...


That night, as all of Amity Park slept, it came. For too long it had barely eluded extermination, but now it saw its chance. A small opening in the dimensional barriers, barely big enough for a creature its size, was enough for it to slither through.

As it came out the other side, it could sense life-forms directly above it. Could one of them be what it needed? Curious, it began to move forward. Quietly and quickly, it darted up two flights of stairs into a hallway, where all the life-forms slept in close proximity to one another.

Slowly, it crept into the first room to sense a young boy. Obviously not the creature it needed, but it could sense a unique energy within him. Thinking little of it, however, it left the room. It then entered the second room, where a slightly-older girl slept. She seemed like she would make a good hunter, but her body wasn't developed enough to suit its needs. And so it continued to crawl.

Finally, it checked the last room, and it nearly squealed! It could sense it! The perfect host, right there, sleeping in the bed next to a large slab of meat. Better still, she wasn't clothed, which meant it could strike at once. It surged forward with an unexpected burst of speed, working its way up the bed and beneath the sheets. It had to be careful now: the slightest bump would alert the soon-to-be host to its presence.

It crept towards her waist, sensing the warmth radiating from it. After a few seconds, it wormed its way inside her opening. The woman shuddered as she felt the slight orgasm, but quickly forgot about it.

"Uhhh... not now, Jack..."

With its presence solidified, it immediately got to work. Already, it began to alter its otherworldly genetics to make its host much more accomodating...


The next morning...

Already awake, Jasmine Fenton sat in the kitchen eating cereal. A low whisper suddenly sounded behind her. "Good morning, Jazz..."

"Morning, Mom." Jazz looked up and notic