Wolf and Ninjas (Mai Shiranui/Maki)

Story by Auyvex

Here's a multi-chapter story I've gotten to work on. This one involves Mai (KOF), Maki (Final Fight), and Rock (Garou). This first chapter's kinda short but I wanted to set a groove for the story.

Content in this chapter:

- Futa solo

- Lactation

(WARNING: Content may change for future chapters)

With that said, here's chapter one of Wolf and Ninjas:

Wolf and Ninjas

by Auyvex

Chapter 1

Rock was unsure. Unsure if it was a good idea to be fighting in a tourney already.

"Maybe I should've stayed home," thought Rock, "Terry's got this down…"

Rock sat on his bags at the CvS stadium, waiting for Terry to sign themselves in. They were both getting registered for Match of the Millennium.

"Terry's been fighting for what, nearly 20 years?" he thought, "I've barely got a year of experience under my belt"

Looking around him, Rock recognized many popular fighters standing around. They were all talking about who was getting paired up with who. For the teams battle this year, all the fighters were randomly getting chosen to fight alongside each other. Rock possibly wasn't gonna fight with Terry.

"Great, I'm gonna end up looking like a fool next to the more experienced fighters"

He felt a tap on his shoulder, as he turned around to see Terry handing him a small card. The card featured an orange circle as it's emblem.

"You're with this group for the tourney, buddy," Terry said as slapped Rock on the back, "I'm with the green team for this year, so we might have to face off against each other and…"

"Damnit! This isn't a good idea, Terry…"

"Stop worrying so much, man! You've bested against me several times, I bet you could take on most of these guys one handed!"

Rock groaned as he rubbed his face.

"Fighters!" a voice came over the loudspeakers, "Welcome to this year's Match of the Millennium! If you have your cards already, please walk to the Main Room. The area marked with your card's color is where you will meet with your group. Good luck to all the challengers!"

Rock got up and walked into the large door alongside Terry. Inside, the area had large signs with the card colors set up at certain spots. Rock saw the orange emblem at a corner in the back.

"Later buddy! I'll see you tomorrow!" Terry said as he ran off to his green area.

"T..Terry! Wait!"

Rock noticed as Terry had already met up with Ryu and Joe.

"Damn, that team's looking solid…" Rock thought as he turned back and walked to his orange area. He set his bags down and sat down. He was the only one there so far. He wondered who his teammates were, and worried about how he would make an impact on them.

Rock gulped as Akuma started to walk towards him, but was instead joining the red group. Rock let out a sigh of relief.

"I can't worry myself too much," he thought, "I have to keep a straight face on for my teammates, or else I'll come off-"

"Hi, what's your name?"

Rock jumped in surprise