Marvel vs DC: Battle of the futas (in preparation)

Story by carlab_cb

Ok, this is an story that I'm working on witha friend, the greatest superhero geek that I know. Basicly some kind of superdupermegacosmic entity had picked alternate versions of the DC and Marvel superhero universes, and put them into a "pocket multiverse" of its creation (I didn't ask what that was supposed to mean), where recently most of the superheroes and supervillains (and a good potion of the normal people) had become futas through an alien virus. And basicly the Grandmaster, a cosmic ludopath from the Marvel universe and a yet unnamed counterpart from the DC universe agree to pit their superbeings against each other.

The idea is that the fights and competitions start as that and end as you are supposing. What we want are ideas about the pairings, we have some of them decided, but there still a lot of characters to choose from, althoughs there are some forbidden characters for needs of the story.

The DC version is the one from where this images come from:

Well, the pairings already decided are:

Superwoman I (Claire Kent) vs Thordis (Jane Foster, long story)

Wonder Woman I (Diana) vs She-Hulk

Batwoman (Bruce Wayne) vs Captain America

Wonder Woman III (Hyppolita) vs Hercules (still male)

Jesse Quick (an slightly obscure character from DC, she can run at superspeed) vs Quicksilver

And the forbidden characters are:

Lex Luthor (plans for him), Flash (pregnant), Green Lantern V (Kayla Rainer, recalled to Oa, although you can suggest any of the other GLs), the New Gods (except Big Barda and Mr. (now Mrs.;)) Miracle), any big cosmic entity from Marvel (you can suggest Silver Surfer or Thanos, but not Galactus), the Norse and the Greek Gods from Marvel (except for Sif, the Enchantress and Venus).

I'll post the introduction where we'll show a bit of both universes and the beginning of the competition, after the weekend.