Mistress of the Drow

Story by baneangel

So I decided to write this story a few hours ago after reading an amazing post that involved futa drow and a whole lot of awesome. It's called Lena's journey I highly recommend it and this is completely inspired by that so yeah!

Anyway here's some tags for the first chapter will update as new tags become needed: Futa/fem, fantasy setting, rape, incest, anal... I'm prob missing something :P

Anyways comments welcome as well as any criticism so long as it's constructive. I will be updating with new chapters i don't have a timetable for that but I fully intent to.

Mistress of the Drow

Matron Mother Elvae of the house Godearn watched her daughter with cold calculating eyes. Her daughter was dress in fine spider silk leather which clung to her nubile young body like a second skin allowing everyone to her sizeable breast and tight body. The young noblewoman was engaged in a training bout with one of her guards trying her best to impress her mother with her sword work. Elvae was hardly impressed with her ability and knew that the guard she was sparring with could easily smash aside the young drow’s guard and run her through at a moment’s notice. Yet Elvae had a certain fondness for her daughter and she remembered why as she saw her huge cock swaying as she lunged forward.

The dark piece of drow cockmeat was truly a special thing as it hung over eighteen inches long and was as thick as Elvae’s clenched fist. It was currently sheathed in a protective cock holder so that it wouldn’t get harmed should it accidently get hit. Elvae had to admit she was slightly jealous of her daughter’s cock as she was one of the few matron’s born without one.

Not having a cock in modern drow society was something that inhibited political progress as well as the ability to gain the respect of the other matrons. They saw any drow without a cock as little more than a cumdump or fucktoy the exception of course being males who’s cock were so useless that they were only used as labor slaves. Elvae was one of only three matrons at the top of drow society who lacked a cock and that was only due to the extreme power she had as a wizard for over a thousand years. Nevertheless her enemies grew daily as the others had no desire to see a ‘cunt’ leading a house that is why she invested so much in her daughter.

Someday soon she would make her little girl into the new matron but currently she was not near ready. Her skill with the whip was lacking and the guard dodged out of the way easily as she made her way forward. The young drow had little understanding of using a whip to zone her opponent away and strike only when they were open instead she sought simply to directly harm her enemy. Suffice to say her efforts while valiant were not enough to be victorious.

The guard she was sparring with was a member