The Bonding Love – A Futa/Female Final Fantasy VII Story

Story by galiteaa

Hihi. Here is yet another Final Fantasy story from yours truly. As I struggle to find and create and meld together my perfect little unique and completely original idea I'll continue to write about games I love.

This little story is Aerith and Tifa 'bonding' over their love for Cloud. Naturally, Tifa is the futa. I just cannot see Aerith being one... Anyway, most of the story is "the good stuff" with Futa love.

The other part I took a writer's risk. I warn you right now if you have not played Final Fantasy VII and do actually plan to, skip the last part of my story. I broke it up from the rest. My first half of this story is futa/female but the second part is a 'direct' rip from the game that I tied together with my original part. I kind of got obsessed with the story and I just had to include this part >_<

Tags: Futa/Female, virgin blood

Aerith paced back and forth in her room. She had a strange feeling about tomorrow and she couldn’t help but worry; something the normally carefree girl rarely did. She heard footsteps approaching on the wooden floor outside her door and she quickly composed herself. She didn’t like appearing worried. It certainly didn’t match her persona.

The woman Aerith had gotten to know over the past few weeks opened the door. “Looks like everyone is sleeping.” She said as she closed the door quietly behind her. Tifa looked over to Aerith who was standing by the window with an air of calm and collected.

“Already? Hmmmph. They must be tired.”

“Barrett and Red had fallen asleep right after we got here. And Vincent…” Tifa thought for a moment, “…well I actually don’t know where Vincent is.”

Aerith looked out the window with her piercing emerald green eyes. A very faint smile grew on her face. “At least he knows what he’s doing. We don’t need to worry about him.” Her stare stayed fixed on the darkness outside.

“And Cloud and I just finished eating. He’s pretty exhausted…” Tifa walked over to the window where Aerith stood. “He’s worried about you, Aerith.” She reached her hand out and placed it gently on the girl’s shoulder.

Aerith’s face warmed with Tifa’s touch. Her eyes darted back and forth as she attempted to find the right thing to say. “I- I just feel very strongly for him. He reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago.” She put her head down as a wave of emotion started flooding her mind with images of Zach. “I can’t stand to see him get hurt, Tifa. He’s in over his head.” The muscles in her face tightened as she tried to resist breaking down.

Somehow she found comfort and solace in the woman she still knew very little about.

“Aerith, I know. Believe me.” She lowered her head and looked Aerith directly in the eyes. “That’s why I’m here. He’s selfish and foolhardy but he’s a boy. What do you expect hi