Tenchi Muyo: No Need for Abstinence!

Story by Evening

Ryoko gave a deep, lingering yawn. An immodest thing, exposing her teeth and opening her jaws beyond the point where one begins to wonder if they'd dislocated, before it snapped shut and she wriggled in vain for comfort, having somehow slid off the bedroll in the night, dragging her blanket with her. She settled for blearily opening her eyes and yanking her pillows beneath her head. She might have slept there another few hours, had another "Head" not come demanding attention.

She giggled sleepily as her long, thick girlcock threaded it's way through her blankets to stare her, accusingly, in the face.

"Well good morning little guy." She said, giving the tip a playful prod with her fingertip. At it's angry twitch, she chuckled. "Fine, "Big Guy." she amended. Noting it's color, an insistent, eager red, she sighed. "I know, you haven't been getting enough attention lately. It's kind of difficult, what with all these women around... Then again..." She mused, an evil little smile forming on her face. She let her blankets fall through her body, leaving her as naked as the day she'd been born. Well, decanted, but that hardly mattered. She stretched languidly, like some jungle cat, freshly poured into the body of a beautiful futanari, her straining, red dick a stark contrast to her fair skinned, feminine body. With no more effort to spend on waking up, she knelt on the floor, leaning down to slowly draw her face through it, the wood passing through her like smoke as her face emerged, stealthily, into Mihoshi's room. A little voyeurism never hurt anyone, right?

Above, her ass flexed back and forth, finding the right position to keep her cock comfortable, the heavy organ almost touching the floor from knee-height as her eyes sought out the sleeping galaxy police officer's face, swaddled among blankets like a baby, though that was where the similarities ended. Ryoko drooled at the sight of her, sex-starvation only making the impression more intense. The space pirate knew she had a killer body, and made sure anyone around knew just as well, but if she was stacked, Mihoshi Kuramitsu was built. The darkly tanned blonde had curves all over the place, and the inactivity that the lack of a job brought was certainly doing them no harm.

Mihoshi yawned, and Ryoko's hand closed about the head of her cock her strong, slender fingers pumping the rigid tool from head to base and back, drawing her foreskin up and down it. Goddesses, she could feel the seed churning in her nuts... it had been FAR too long since she'd gone in for the "Rape" part of the raping and pillaging that were her job description.

Mihoshi's sleeping face took on a displeased expression, her legs kicking until the blanket was tossed away from her. Ryoko bit her lip gently as she saw the sweat-soaked undershirt that was the only barrier between her eyes and the police girl's huge, soft tits, her nipples firming up in the suddenly chilled air, heating the