One of my stories

Story by Jmb1

It needs work, so cut me some slack and please don;'y be rude.


"I hate my life "Ryan said as he walks on the parking lot of his school. He had just missed his bus and had to walk. Ryan hated everything about school mainly how he was bullied. He enters his first class late. "Just my luck, no teacher".This would mean he could be picked on easily. He looks around for a seat sees one in the back, begins walk to back there but trips over someone’s foot and his mouth slams at the corner of a desk and the glasses he was wearing flew off somewhere. He felt his teeth to see that they were chipped. “Too bad.” says John. Ryan in pain and fear runs into John knocking him over. As he gets up he says "I’m a beat the shit outta you”.

“I’m sorry.” Ryan cried he felt the nausea but it was too late, he heaved up blood and vomited on John. “I’m a kill you man.”

The teacher walks in and notices the situation John said that Ryan had fallen, of course with shifty eyes from John, Ryan agreed he then went to the nurse. Ryan’s guardian could not pick him up. He then began to sob until school had ended. As he noticed the school clock his time would soon be up then he began to panic but got an idea he’ll go out the gym door. That way he if he got caught he wouldn’t be humiliated in front of the school. The gym was empty and dark with little light. Of course Ryan had no idea the trap that would befall him in a few moments.

The door auto locks itself when the door shuts. As he was making his way through the gym he was hit hard in his face. He knew it was John then he notices the blood coming from his mouth he squinted through the inky darkness. A blow came to his stomach than his face and into his groin. The lights came on. He fell to floor and vomited up his lunch and a little blood. “Why do you hate me” Ryan whispered. Girls came out of their locker room. Ryan’s main crush came out as well. John said “Hey look its Stacy.” Ryan begged him not to say anything. “I’m going to kick your ass in front of your girl and I’m gonna make you say how bad you want to "date" her." John put Ryan in a submission move. He made Ryan say some awful things to Stacy he turned Ryan in to a puppet. Then John waltzed over to Stacy and made her laugh. Then Ryan started to cry. Stacy couldn’t see it he slowly got up John then picked him up and suplexed him in just enough time for the girls gym teacher too see Ryan black out.

Gorgeous Jodi

He awoke in the hospital in a dazed state he had an IV in his arm. Then a doctor came in and asked him how old he was, Ryan replied groggily “16“.The doctor told him about the suplex had injured his neck and it was a day later he would go home in the afternoon. Later he was picked up by his Guardian Jodi.

Ryan cringed, he thought (man she is so beautiful) but cringing hurt