Love Love Attack

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Love Love Attack

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and I'm not making a profit.


PAIRING: Excellen/Viletta

NOTE: Yeah, I know, the title of this fic would be better suited for an Excellen/Kyosuke fic, but considering the vast amounts of written SRT:OG pr0n out there (somewhere around zero) I think I can get away with it.

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Excellen Browning wandered into the Hiryu Custom's PT bay by complete and utter accident. She had already completely and utterly accidentally wandered throughout the entire crew quarters, the infirmary, the cafeteria, the briefing room, the bridge and even the brig before randomly stumbling into the PT bay. If anyone asked, Excellen would be happy to point out that she'd scoured most of the Hiryu Custom simply out of boredom and a desire to stretch her legs and nothing more. Unfortunately, nobody had asked her anything. She'd been rather annoyed by that. Still, Excellen wasn't the kind of person who got all depressed simply because nobody had given her a good opportunity to tell a few blatant lies.

Excellen walked calmly past the rows of mechs lining the bay, ignoring all the mechanics going about their business in much the same way they ignored her. The mechs loomed above her and probably would've looked very impressive to anyone who didn't deal with them on a daily basis. She paused briefly when she reached her Weissritter and patted it affectionately on the foot.

"Hello Weissy," she said. "You wouldn't happen to have seen Viletta about, would you?"

The Weissritter merely stood silently. Not that Excellen had expected anything else.

Turning away from her giant robot, Excellen continued her apparently nonchalant stroll. She looked up when she approached the R-Gun and smiled to herself when she noticed its cockpit was open. Her pace increased as headed for the stairs leading to the walkway above.

She liked Viletta. She was really quite beautiful. Of course, Excellen liked all beautiful people on general principle, but there was something very enchanting about Viletta that made her special. She didn't really know what it was. True, it did seem that underneath Viletta's earnest and unflappable exterior there was a certain impishness just waiting to be let out, but Excellen wasn't sure that was it. The woman had a great sense of mystery and secrets untold. Then again, Excellen realised that it was entirely possible that she just imagined Viletta had a great sense of mystery and secrets untold simply because she liked her.

Excellen slowed down to a normal walking pace by the time she came level with R-Gun's cockpit. Viletta was indeed inside, fiddling with the controls. The woman was technically in uniform, though her jacket was open and all she wore underneath was a white tank top.

"Oh, ma chere soeur, what a happy coincidence that I should find you here," Excellen said.

Viletta looked up at her. Excellen rathe