Teacher's Lessons

Story by cuteycindyhoney

Mandy Conner is a mathematics teacher with a secret she keeps hidden from the whole world. Alisa Kincaid is an ex-research biologist forced to take up teaching when the economy causes her job, stocks and savings to vanish like a soap bubble. Alisa soon discovers Mandy’s secret, and wants to write research papers about a true futanari. This could be her pathway towards making a name for herself and earning fat government grants to fund her own laboratory! It looks like Mandy is in a world of trouble, or is it really Alisa that’s about to learn a lesson?

Teacher’s Lessons

By Honey Moon

Mandy sighed. She loved being a mathematics teacher, but

sometimes it was so frustrating. “Maybe I should switch to

teaching grade school.” She muttered after the last student filed out

of her classroom. The high school teacher shook her head.

“Damnation! I wish they would pass a rule prohibiting the wearing

of cheerleader uniforms during school hours!”

“Why is that, Miss Conner?” a familiar and unwelcome voice

said cheerfully.

Mandy nearly jumped out of her sensible shoes at the sudden

intrusion. “It’s, it’s too distracting for the young men.”

Alisa Kincaid sauntered into the room. “I would think your

natural born assets would be more of a distraction, dearie.”

Mandy nearly fell out of her chair before she realized exactly

what Alisa meant. “I don’t dress to flaunt my figure in school!” she

snapped, while crossing her arms over her ample bust.

“Meaning I do?” The petite blonde biology teacher glared. “I

may not have huge jug like yours, but I do prefer to look good!

Look at you. Do you get all your clothes from Goodwill?”

Mandy blushed nearly as red as her curls. She loved finding

bargains at thrift stores and flea markets. The dress she wore today

was vintage 1953. “Of course not! This, um, I got this dress from

an antique store!” It was a fib, but that didn’t matter. She just

wanted to shut the bitch up!

Alisa looked her up and down. “Yeah, sure. I believe that.

Hey Lucy, is Ricky letting you on the show tonight?”

If anything, Mandy’s face grew redder. This morning she had

smiled at the thought of resembling Lucy Ricardo in this dress.

Now it was just embarrassing! “Are you here for a reason, or was it

just to insult me?”

Alisa grinned. “That was just a bonus. I just stopped by to

ask if you wanted to help chaperone the Homecoming dance next


The frustrated math teacher thought it over for all of twelve

nano-seconds. “No, I, I have plans. I’m sure they won’t need me!”

“Jeez, don’t get so uptight! I was just asking!” The biology

teacher turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

“Shit!” Mandy took a deep breath, not noticing how this
