Wishful Thinking (Male/female, implied futa)

Story by EthMoon

I'm no writer, but this is a quick, short attempt to just get something out of my system that I finally decided to type out this morning. Though it doesn't actually involve futa, it's still part of it, and deals somewhat with the sad-but-true fact that they generally don't exist. Consider this my meager gift back to the forum that I lurk.

Generic Internet Messenger Chat Log, 7/21/10:

_JxK_:I never really thought about it. I don't really have any fantasies or fetishes, I guess. Do you?

CN4002: You'll probably find this weird, and run away or something...

_JxK_: :P Lies. Tell meee...

CN4002: Well... I always kinda, er, had a thing for hermaphrodites. And, well, being taken by one... *Blushes.*

_JxK_: Really?

_CN4002: ... Yeah.

_JxK_: ... So I guess that means you want a girl with "both" more than me...

CN4002: What? No, never. That's silly. I don't want anyone but you. The physical part of it doesn't matter at all... It's just a fantasy. But it's really weird and stupid and I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and die now.

_JxK_: Shh. No. Actually, when I was little... I used to pretend I was a boy almost, sort of like having both. When I lived with my mother, she yelled and hit me over it, so I stopped... I haven't thought of it since then. I really liked the thought of it, though.

CN4002: *Eyes widen.* Really?

_JxK_: Really. And you have such a cute butt...

CN4002: *Blushes more.* I love you...

_JxK_: I love you too.

An entire week with her -- a visit for the first time across the entire country, away from family and the hot air of the west. It was the sixth night of seven, and everything was going so well; he could be himself around her, and the previous days involved nothing but laughter and stupid inside-jokes which then lead to mouths meeting, leading to tongues meeting, leading to mouths and tongues meeting with, well, the rest of their parts... They had already explored each other completely, beyond the countless hours they had spent exploring each other through the internet with words and webcams. It was different, though. Not just for the main reason -- yes, cybersex and the real thing aren't the same for obvious reasons. But online they could pretend, too.

Her bed was still very unfamiliar... something about it felt uncomfortable. Whether it was too high up or he'd just spent too long with his own pillows and blanket to be unable to help feeling foreign, he was out of place in more ways than one. Not to imply that he was ungrateful, though; far from it. Her bed also had her in it. Her curled up behind him with arms wrapped around, petting him as the TV spouted generic noise, painting flickering lights on the walls. As time went on, their attention seemed to be drifting away from the television, and her fingers drifted as well along the cloth of his shirt, suddenly pinching softly on a nipple and pulling a soft moan out of him.

"Heh, I'll never get tired of that." She gri