A tasty Story.(Changeling:The lsot sexual story)

Story by Liriel

Ok,like the title said,here a story I have in mind for a few day now^^A logn time ago,I have try to write a changeling story,but now,I thing I have gone better.It also worth nothing that I use a spell cheek now,so,my mystake should be far between.At lest I hope.Expect sex,naugthiness,wieardness and some vore,but dont worry,there wont be any inteligent thing that will end up in the cooking pot.So,here the prologue for this story.Do comment please.

A tasty story

Hi!Who am I you ask?Hmmm...that a difficult question.I don't know who am I actually,well,who I was.Hm?Why did I say “was”?you don't happen to know what a changeling is,do you?Of course you don’t.Dont look at me that way!Human aren't suppose to know what we are!Ok,let me explain.

A changeling is a human who was kidnap by the true fea.You hear me,those fairy tale your mother and father tell you to make you behave are true.Unfortunatly,they are far ,far more mad and insane.They kidnap human to make them their servant,pet,tool event object.We are nothing but property and animal to them.They change us,each one of those maniac have a thing for something and turn us into changeling over time as we stay in Arcadia,their realm.Some of us because little more then animal,that they keep as pet or hunt and eat.Other are force labor slave who mine trough green block of living rock.Another one I know remember working in some sort of meat factory.In my case?I don't remember much.All of us have problem whit memory of our pass live and our time in Arcadia.It was like a bad dream.I do remember some piece together however.The place I was kidnap to was some kind of old 1950 tv show.Everything was in black and white.Hell,there was event some small,cherry tune in the background!

I remember it was disturbed and strange and we all follow some kind of script.I remember mine was the role of a “Man-eating Housewife”.I am unsure what I have done there,but when I manage to get out of this hell,I was change:My skin and everything I have on me stay black and white after that.My hands have long nail that could pierce trough a oak wood and my teeth were pointy like knife! Becide that,I was looking like one of those old pin-up on those war plane during WW2:Busty,short haired whit a killing smile.I believe this is how people from the Golden Apple freehold find me.Oh,you don't know what that is too??Well,it like a community of changeling that stick together to protect one another.Well,I believe I better go now,got some meal to prepare and my Jana must be waiting.Hm?What am I doing whit a bottle in my hands?Sorry dear,but,now that you know that much,I cant allow you to remember.Your lucky,I am not hungry today.