Brisket: A story reclaimed from the internet Futa/male Femdom

Story by Fishbat

I did not write this, it was written by Sol Oliver

I remembered this story earlier, and tried to find it, but it seems to be out. Tried for a bit and the only way I could get to read it was the wayback machine, which is... Spotty at best. Anways, here it is.

Brisket by Sol Oliver

"Hi! I'm Brisket!"

The too-perfect beautiful woman stood at the front door of George

Latrell's executive hotel suite. Clad in a short black maid's dress, she

handed him an envelope. George didn't need to read it to know why Brisket

was at his temporary home. He read it anyway and returned his attention to

Brisket, who had stood smiling silently as he examined the papers.

"So, my wife actually let me have you, huh?" said George. The woman

froze as he spoke and then tossed her long blonde hair slightly before


"I have been sent by the Candrex Android Corporation per instructions of

Mrs. Donna Latrell to perform household maintenance functions in

accordance with..."

"I understand why you're here, thank you," said George, cutting her off.

The android woman froze briefly and then returned to her previous docile,

smiling pose. The last time he had spoken with his wife, she had nixed the

idea of letting him have this particular Robotic Assistant, and told him

she would arrange for something less racy. His wife, Donna, became jealous

easily, and couldn't bear the thought of George sleeping with another

woman, even if it was an android. And she had reason to be suspicious of

him. They had nearly divorced the year before ("if you even think about

sex with another woman, we're through!"), when his job sent him out of town

for four months. She caught him during a surprise visit, and he was forced

to confess not only that affair but two others in their ten years of

marriage. It wasn't that George didn't love his wife; he adored her.

Instead, it was his inability to control his lust for more than a few


Maybe that's why Donna decided to send the android after all. If he was

going to fool around, maybe she figured it wouldn't be as bad if it was

with a robot. George had never had sex with a robot before, and in truth

the idea didn't really appeal to him. He selected this particular model as

much because it was the latest and most sought-after as anything else. Not

that he wasn't curious.

"Please come in," George said to Brisket.

"Thank you, Mr. Latrell," said the android as she walked to the center

of the living room. She moved more like a real woman than any previous

model, but it was still easy to tell that she was robotic. Her movements

were a little too deliberate, in part because she weighed twice as much as

a flesh-and-blood woman. Just like the showroom model, she stood exactly

five-foot ten-inches high, with size 38D breasts, thin waist, and

accomodating hips. Unlike a real woman, she stood perfectly still and

stared into space.

"Can you fidget, please?" asked George. This was one of the more
