ReBound : Earthbound Retouched

Story by Armored Raven

*NOTE : This is currently a prototype idea only, BUT now, the story may finally begin regardless of my schedules. Update speed may be sporadic . Contains no males and females


What if the already bizarre world of the Mother Earth was taken one step ahead into the surreal? What if we learn what bound Giygas to the Devil's Machine in the first place? What if the 4 chosen ones are just really kids with no superpowers, ending up in the wrong era in wrong circumstances? What if the chosen ones are just fighting a war that can only be won through phyrric victory, and there are no 4th walls and a 'player' to direct their fate?

Such are the flaws of fate that, by some purpose, went unnoticed. In the same planet, but a different beginning, all the pieces would come into place. The world can only act in disarray when all the hopes rest on the frail shoulders of 4 mere children. Ludicrous, some might think. I am one of the some. As I speak, I have been planning for this idea to launch, but due to personal reasons I am unable to start this properly as a story yet.

But I hope this can become a mini discussion thread, see if readers are interested in this brainchild of mine. Seeing as I was being vague, I'm about to say what I intend to do with the Earthbound / Mother 2 premise before I begin :

There are no males and females, only futas. This applies to every animal / machine / monster / human / insect / lifeform / mechanic

I've been replaying this game with emulator so that I can catch all the essential plot-related details, while twisting some of the nonsense into pivotal plot devices

This may not neccessarily end with a Downer Ending, but I will not spoil about what ending it is. It will be a different and more cynical take on the original ending, which I think was badly executed. Some of the events in the game will be changed by my direction and discretion as well.

Here is the (changed) character sheet for the idea

Nessa (original form, Ness)

Age : 11

Black ruffly short hair with red bandanna ending with a butterfly bow. Wears a yellow dress with white overtop, the hem of the dress being purple. Carries an empty school bag to carry items

Bio : Eldest sibling of the humble family of 4. Quite an optimistic soul, she enjoys homecooked Steaks more than anything else. Coddled by her birth mother quite a deal when younger, and her source of allowance is her seed mother, always in phonecalls rather than in person. Introverted, but not antisocial, Nessa leads a normal life until in recent days when animals are berserk, she had to take arms and fight against them, just before the night of the meteorfall

Porka Minch (original form, Porky Minch)

Age : 11

Blonde bobcut and a plump face. Wears white shirt with blue suspenders leading a a pair of shorts. Because of being obese, she isn't well liked.

Bio : Nessa's neighbour, and a play-pretend friend. When times are right,