A Different Spira - A Final Fantasy X Story (Futa/F & Futa/M)

Story by galiteaa

Greetings FP. Many may remember I wrote another FFX story. Long story short, I felt I could one up myself and so I wrote a new story while borrowing some old ideas. Warning: This story introduces Paine and Rikku early on in this story. It's mostly based on FFX with some elements of FFX-2 thrown in, like clothing.

This story contains Futa/Female and Futa/Male. As with any story, praise, criticism, and anything else you have to say is highly appreciated =)

Tidus sat on his brown mat, hands behind him and legs outstretched in front of him, looking up into the sky as he sat outside Lulu’s hut. Ahh. Besaid Island. There was nothing quite as beautiful as what he was experiencing. The sky was lit beautifully with stars, a view that was impossible in Zanarkand because of the city lights. The wind was blowing ever so gently through his golden brown, tussled and damp hair. It was only a few hours before that Tidus had successfully helped and protected Yuna in the temple against the Aeon Ifrit.

His yellow blitz jacket was off after taking his evening swim off the coast of Besaid. He sat proudly outside Lulu’s hut, showing off his large Zanarkand symbol on his right pant leg, freely and comfortable admitting to these kind people of Besaid that he was, in fact, an outsider. Funny…the only time I’m this comfortable is when I’m Blitzing. Tidus’ eyes darted around the village, watching parents hurry their kids into their homes for the night, or watching the Aurochs embarrass themselves further with their lack of proper Blitz training. If only I had time to really help them.

Yuna held the cloth to the side as she exited Lulu’s hut. She strutted outside casually as Tidus finally noticed her. Her dark blue boots that went up to just below her knees were still on, all laced up. He was surprised to see she still had on her blue booty shorts from earlier in the day, along with her revealing white top that barely covered her breasts. Oh? She wore it! His eyes naturally fell upon Yuna’s chest as she approached; noticing Yuna was wearing the makeshift Zanarkand emblem he made specifically for her. Her pink cape (?) blew lightly in the wind behind her as she approached and finally sat next to him,

“So? How was your swim Tidus?” She asked, looking into his eyes, with a hint of humility.

“Ehh, it was alright.” He said, lying through his teeth. “It was a bit lonely” he said with a pause, “But at least no Sin spawn attacked, right?”

Yuna chuckled at his comments, “Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

She continued to look at Tidus as he looked into the fire that was burning in the center of the village. When his eyes darted and caught her staring, she looked away, embarrassed that she was so careless.

“So…” he started, not so sure what to say. “Where did Wakka and Kimarhi go?” he