Hung Latina Ch1-5

Story by rough_neck_9_1

Note: these characters are protected by the laws of

imagination. Anything can happen there with no

consiquences what-so-ever. So remember kids, this

shit is FAKE.


Even in todays mixed up and fucked up world. There is that oh so cliche joy of a new baby. And for the mexican couple this was so true. Gabrial the boyfriend was holding his girlfriend Alice's hand, or more like she was holding and in turn crushing his hand. Needles to say Alice was in labor,and on the 23 hour none the less. Lying on what was called a bed with her legs spread wide and far as team of doctors stood infront of them both stairing intently at her vagina. I know...not exactly a

romantic sceen eh.

"The head is breaking free, you got to time your pushes!" the docotr I assume is in charge of this whole mess. Alice was about to just tear that little bastered apart but decided to use he lungs for something even better letting out one hell of a scream. "AHHHHH, come on you you oh I don't even know what you are yet."Her voice could be heard in the parking lot.

"We got the head free, your almost there." ALice looked into her mans eyes. "Comon baby will get through this together." She would have slapt him right then and there when with a finale push the baby was set free of herself. Taking deap breaths finaly getting some relief as she stupidly refused the epidural. "Congradulations its a boy." The docter handed off the crying infant to one of the three nurses in the room to be cleaned off.

The happy couple then began to passionetly kiss, when a sudden call broke their train of thought. "Umm doctor you might want to see this." Now the question is what is all the comotion about. Well if your reading this then you sure as hell already know, below the infants delicits lie another of the oposite sex however meaning only one thing their newborn was in fact a hermaphrodite.

Needles to say the two parents of the child were sudenly EXTREAMLY confused. I mean cows in space make more sence then this(I have no idea were cows in space came from either...)Now I could write paragraph after paragraph of doctors talking and couple fighting and babies crying but you don't want to hear all that crap right. So here's the very very short version.

Man gets angry and abandons the new mother. The mother in fear of public rejection ran away with her new son/daughter to start a new life were no one has even knows of her family. Ending up in southern

California in San Diego, were if you were to look up her last name in a phonebook there would at least be tweenty others with similer last names.

Anyway after all that mess, you the reader get to now enjoy(at least I hope) the story. As it has been fifteen years sence the cilds birth,