My Sister's Not So Little Problem (Futa/F with M/F, Mild Incest)

Story by sghoul

Alrighty...trying to get back to writing. So, this came out. No Male/Futa, and the incest isn't quite so direct. Let me know if I should continue (and let's hope I can if that ends up being the case).


I had just finished my first semester away from home at college, and was happily home for the holidays. And not just happy in the “I’ll get mom to do my laundry and fix me free food” way. I actually looked forward to spending time with my mother and little sister. I know that may not be normal, but we had fun together.

I especially liked being a big brother for my sister, Chloe. Despite our age differences (me being almost 6 years older) we enjoyed each other’s company and I enjoyed being able to give her advice and support her and stuff. Little did I know that my brotherly advice giving skills were about to be truly tested.

One day a few days after arriving, while mom was at work (just because I had weeks off from school didn’t mean she didn’t have to work) Chloe approached me. She seemed nervous, which really wasn’t normal for her.

“Mark, can I talk to you about something?” she asked shyly.

“You know you can. What’s up?”

“It’s kinda about sex.” she blushed.

“You mean mom hasn’t talked to you about it?”

“Well, she talked to me about some of it, but this might be more of a question for you.”

“Oh.” was all I replied. I kinda knew where this was headed.

I should probably explain something about my little sister. She was born...special. Mom had explained to me early on that Chloe was different. She had been born with both girl and boy parts. When I got older, mom told me a bit more, explaining that where Chloe’s clitoris would be, she had a penis and that the doctors had left it all intact, because it seemed that all of her parts were functional. It was this functionality that Chloe wanted to talk about.

Chloe had started going through puberty, and was just starting to look womanly. She was still petite, but she had grown hips and had a pair of budding breasts. So I was now figuring that other parts may have started to bloom.

“It’s about thing.”

“I figured.” I said, composing myself. “So, I guess it’s started growing and maybe getting hard?”

“Yeah.” she said timidly.

“Now, quit that. You and I had always been able to talk about anything. So, let’s just treat this like anything else and talk it out.”

She sighed and sat next to me.

“OK. It started growing when other stuff started changing. But recently, it started getting hard when I thought about other girls.”

That surprised me. I guess I had always assumed that since she looked like a girl (with one obvious exception) that she would like boys. And I figured her problem was that she was afraid of boys making fun of her ‘difference’.

“, does that mean you’re having a hard time hidin