To Taste New Things (crossdressing, yaoi, underage)

Story by Deadpoolfan

So this is just the first chapter to a story I've been meaning to write for quite a while, but have been lazy in actually getting to finishing. I plan on writing more chapters but I honestly can't say when since I am rather inconsistent when it comes to my writing projects.

This chapter is just supposed to introduce you to the whole setup of the story so future chapters will have a lot more sex.

Well I hope you enjoy it and any comments are appreciated!

“Mom, I'll be fine,” I said for what felt like the millionth time.

“Are you sure? You could come with us. We don't mind waiting for you to pack a bag!” my mom prodded again without success.

“Dad? Can you tell your wife that I'll be fine? I am seven-teen after all.” My dad chuckled as he pushed the last of the bags into the trunk of their small, economically conservative car.

“Leave the boy alone, Evie. We're only gonna be gone a week, after all,” my dad said before giving me a sly wink and grin. My mom sighed in defeat.

“Oh, all right. But make sure to keep up with your chores. And don't forget, Mr. Wilson is going come by at one in the afternoon on Thursday to borrow the lawnmower so make sure you're here to let him in. Oh and also don't...” I cut her off mid rant.

“Mom! I got it. If you don't hurry you'll miss your flight.” She smiled softly and then threw her arms around me in a hug so tight she nearly suffocated me.

“I love you, Mark,” she said releasing me.

“I love you too, Mom,” I wheezed. My dad stepped up next grinning.

“See ya in a week, boy,” he said giving me a quick hug.

“Bye, Dad.” My little sister Ava didn't even look up from her phone as I waved them away. I watched until the car turned down at the end of our street and they were gone. I'd been looking forward to my whole week alone. It was going to be good to have a whole week to have the house to myself. Not to say that I didn't like my family around, but my mom could be a little suffocating. Surprise, surprise. My dad was a pretty good guy, but, being a religious man, looked down on some of my more “sinful” habits. Like looking up porn on the family computer. The one time I forget to clear the history and he notices. That's a day I'd like to forget. So long story short, I now make DAMN sure to clear the browsing history after I go surfing porn. And for my sister... since turning sixteen she just ignores everyone in the house so there's not much to say. As for me, I really am just your average high school senior. Standing at about five foot nine and a hundred and fifty pounds I wouldn't have exactly fit in in the NBA, but I was content with myself. I wasn't a bad looking guy to be honest, and with a nice six inches hard I would say that I was a catch. Although no relationship I'd ever had got very far. There was just never any true excitement or chemistry or whatever it is.

I stood outside for a m