Cave Dweller Ch 1-3! (Wow-based. M/Futa)

Story by Dahero

Wrote this story on Darknest quite a while ago. Lost interest in writing it when my muse stopped logging on. Thought it'd be cool to leave this here, let me know what you guys think. I want to write more but I don't really have the patience since I stopped playing wow and lost touch with everyone. Meh we'll see

Chapter 1

(Mouth love, Draenei Futa/Elf Male, Blowjob)

"A lot of good that did me..", Ranshin whispered to herself as she battled the cold in her mind. It was aggravating to think that she had been dismounted and attacked by something she couldn't really understand. The initial blow to her head had dazed her and blurred her vision so all she could really make out was a huge figure and many other relatively small ones dashing around and converging on her downed bird. Panic struck at her when she realized that was her only immediate way out of this frozen hell hole so she ran, and ran hard.

By the time she stopped she couldn't see any sign of where she was, nor even any sign of life at all. It was damn cold and she had to find some shelter before she could really pull together her thoughts and make a plan. After another hour of walking and cursing this barren part of Northrend, she spotted a cave. Hesitant but having no other choice she approached the ominous mouth, holding the sheathe of her sword tightly, turning her blue knuckles white.

As she walked in, her eyes became adjusted to the darkness only to notice that the cave was empty, but cozy. With a sly smile she pumped her fist excitedly and ran out to spot a good place to gather some wood for a fire. "Finally.. things are actually going my way", she whispered to herself before biting her full bottom lip and venturing out to gather supplies.

On her way back she was excited to not only have a plan for survival but to actually be on step two of her excellent plan! Her smile faded when she spotted light tracks in the snow leading up to the mouth of the cave, spotting a bit of light flickering on the walls. Her blood began to boil and her muscles grew tense, her sword finding its way to her palm. As she approached from the side she couldn't see anyone near the fire, but that didn't mean that someone didn't actually leave to gather supplies just as she had. So she waited, behind a rock that was almost in the entrance yet hiding her pretty well from any prying eyes that might be hiding inside.

Ranshin waited for what seemed like an hour until she turned to spot a hooded figure coming directly for the cave, causing her to panic and press herself into the rock and hope that the fading light works to her advantage to stay hidden. As the hooded figure approached and finally passed, she sprang up and swung her sword as hard as she could turning the blade to the side since she had some questions for the mysterious figure. She heard the dull thud of her sword and then a grunt as the figure flew into the cave and landed just short of the burning fire, apparently knocked ou