Hermione's Hermaphrodite

Story by Fire Fly

I'm shocked that there's still not a lot of Harry Potter futa on the internat... I made this a while ago on adultfanfiction.net, but I got a lame number of reviews. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and please leave a review so I can write better stories :D

Note: I do not own Harry Potter in any way. All rights are given to J.K. Rowling, W.B., and the many publishing companies that do so.

Hermione shifted in her chair. This had to be the twentieth book she’d look through from the restricted section. She knew that she probably wouldn’t find the answer to this problem in the normal section, being a prefect did have its advantages. She was starting to get tired but she wanted to help her friends. Besides she was used to sitting in the library for hours on end to help her friends. She remembered when she had first encountered the problem.


Hermione strolled down the hall whistling. Ron was in the hospital wing, she had just been to visit him, and from what she gathered Ron was going to break up with Lavender Brown soon. She hadn’t been happier since she had first seen Ron and Lavender were making out in the common room that first time.

"He-hermione can you come here in a minute?" asked a voice.

Hermione turned to see Ginny standing in the door way to the girl’s bathroom. She looked desperate. Hermione actually considered not going to help her friend for a second but then she thought that it couldn’t be all that bad. She knew Ginny; she knew how much she liked Harry, as far as she gathered she didn’t like girls. "Sure," Hermione said walking into the lavatory.

Ginny looked around and locked the door. Hermione was starting to get a little nervous now. "Ginny ummm actually I have an essay to do for Snape and you-"

"Hermione it’s something really important," Ginny cut her off. Ginny seemed to be fighting with her skirt, pressing down just above her crotch, which seemed to be sticking up a bit. Hermione heard Ginny mutter to her self stressfully, "why the hell won’t it stay down?"

Ginny looked up at Hermione. There were tears in her eyes. Ginny ran forward and put her arms around Hermione’s waist. Hermione was waiting for Ginny to grab her ass or something because she didn’t expect anything else. Hermione was confused though. She felt a something stiff and thin but long pressing against her leg.

Ginny let go, tears still in her eyes. "Hermione there’s something I need you to help me with." Hermione sighed she couldn’t get out of this. "Anything you want Ginny, after all what are friends for." Ginny smiled. "Thanks Hermione," Ginny said the tears already evaporated.

Ginny took a few steps away and turned toward Hermione once again. Then, to Hermione’s dread, Ginny reached to the buttons keeping her skirt up. Ginny unbuttoned her skirt and it fell to the floor. Then she reached for the waist band of her bikini panties. She dropped them and Hermione gasped in shock. "It’s big and… wait that shouldn’t be on