By the Goddes (Futa/M, Futa/F, Inc, Mo&Sn)- Responce to Rashadsinan

Story by rough_neck_9_1

So After hearing our writing friend out I had the itch to take a stab out the niche genre he was talking about, specifically for the uninitiated its a Futa/M with a Mother & Son twist. Admittedly this is a niche thing so it's tailored to draw out those details so if incests or railing a dude is not your thing I'd recommend something else like this owl in a hat. And I'll warn you it is a bit long, some twenty-two pages with word so you know pace yourself and I'll marker off some built in check points with CH:"#". So enjoy, or at least I hope you do.


“Why don’t you step outside the room Mrs. Moore, see if Bryan here will feel a little braver when his mother’s not over his shoulders,” Dr Nancy Voss told the mother of her fifteen year old patient Bryan.

“I suppose it’s worth a shot, yeah okay.” Aaron Moore the mother was more than willing to give her son the space he was currently demanding. Bryan wanted to feel like the big kid he was growing into and given the circumstances of this particular doctors visit, Aaron assumed something like this was going to be the case. Dr Voss led the young mother to the far side of the room and opened up the door for her. Before leaving the room Aaron turned around to see the face of her son who was sitting on the examination table swinging his legs lightly in a nervous fashion. Their eyes connected for a moment and Aaron gave her son a smile which Bryan returned bashfully, a bit reluctantly actually given he wanted to appear as his own man if just for this one moment.

Once Aaron was outside the door Dr. Voss told her it would only be a few moments but she would be better off in the waiting room just around the corner and the staff would call her when Bryan was finished. Dr. Voss was a family friend to Aaron so she trusted the doctor and left the doctor to finish her examination with her son.

With Aaron out of the way and well out of sight Dr. Voss let out a wicked grin, spreading from ear to ear. Taking the moment to shimmy her dress skirt up her legs a bit, bunching the fabric around her waist. Than moving to make sure her lab coat was spread wide open and finally popping open the top few buttons on her blouse exposing her cleavage and yellow bra well beyond the point of public modesty. Giving her chest a quick heft with her hands, bringing her tits that propped up firm look and Dr. Voss was good to go. Opening the door and stepping back inside before closing and locking the door behind her. Bryan visibly perked up upon seeing his doctor, his energetic nature ever evident in his voice, “Thanks for making my mom