The Far Ruins (futa/male, futa/female, yaoi, yuri, adult/teen, fantasy series)

Story by Flynnparadox

Okay, here are the first two chapters of my fantasy erotic adventure novel The Far Ruins. As the title of the thread implies, there are all kinds of sexual acts in this novel. I'll put the first two chapters up here and if you want to see more, please comment, give feedback, etc. I hope you enjoy...

The Far Ruins

By Brian Flynn

Chapter One: Noah

As a brilliant red sun slowly rose into the heavens and everything the eye could see was bathed in its dazzling light, a figure appeared on the horizon. The land of Darkreign was as vast and diverse as the cosmos and this part of it was covered in flat, grey rocks, sharp and craggy. It was treacherous terrain.

The figure, Noah, had no horse to help him. He was on foot, clothed in brown leather pants and shirt, his smooth chest laid bare all the way to his waist save for an elaborate amulet he wore around his neck that seemed to be made out of two snakes intertwined. But that wouldn’t be the first thing that one would notice about Noah. The first would be that he was a boy, in his early to mid-teens. He had beautiful brown hair that almost reached his shoulders, a nearly feminine face that matched his body. And yet, for all these contradictions, he seemed at home here. Almost part of the landscape. He carried a sack on his back, a long dagger on his hip, a smaller one concealed in his homemade boots.

He was one of the Plains People, who lived out West. Not as far West as the Enchanted Forest, the Lonely Swamp or the sea but far. And though he was one of them, he had not seen another Plains Person in nearly two years now.

He was headed east, towards the mountains, witch-haunted and filled with demons, the old men said. Past the mountains was a vast, dark kingdom ruled over by an ancient nameless king. Though he didn’t know it yet, Noah’s path would eventually take him far into this kingdom to a place that none of his people had ever visited.

He was roughly following the path of a full, healthy river. He had been following it for days now, stopping in several small towns along the way to get a room, to play “the game.”

The rocks around him gave way to larger rocks until soon they were so big one could have called them hills or mini-mountains. They obscured his vision of the approaching waterfall until he was almost on top of it.

“Come on, don’t be shy,” a voice said. “The water’s great.”

It was a woman’s voice. For a moment, Noah was confused and slightly paranoid. Was someone watching him? He did, indeed, intend to take a bath in the waterfall.

“I…” a second voice said.

It was another woman and Noah realized that he had interrupted two women at the waterfall. Curious – he was a fourteen-year-old boy, after all – he crept closer to the sounds of the waterfall and the women, silent as the grave.

Cautiously peeking his head around a massive rock, a vision was revealed to the boy.