We'll Talk Later Missy - A Futa/Female Final Fantasy XIII Story

Story by Rika007

Well hello again everyone! :212: Wow this story took a lot longer then I thought it would, I had to move back onto campus (no more room mates this year wohoo), then the football season began (yes I'm a nerd, and a girl, and I love sports, odd combo I know), then my Macbooks fan had a severe case of the death (thank you mac warranty), and then I came down with a cold (and it's still nice and warm outside booo!). :219:

So after all that insanity I finally got this little chapter done. Now this isn't as wild as my FFX story or my original 'Detention' story. This is a bit more like my FF7 one, much more soft, lovey dovey, and cute. But still with plenty of futa goodness. As always please, please, please leave comments and let me know how you feel, wither it be praise or criticism, as that is the only way I can grow as a writer.

Also as one little request, lets not do any bashing of FF13 as a game. I know it's a hot button topic with many FF fans, but I happen to really like the game so out of respect keep any criticisms of the game to yourself. THANKS!


Vanille let out a soft happy sigh as she dropped down onto the freshly washed sheets she had just spread across the bed. Our bed… She thought, simply not believing that after all this time, everything she had been through, Fang, Ragnarok, sleeping as a crystal for centuries, Cocoon, capture, escape, Gran Pulse, her Eidolion… All of those things had led her here, back to Oerba, to home.

Looking around the small quaint house she smiled. Everything was caked with dust (thus the need to wash her sheets) until she had opened up the windows and sent one good blast of Aero magic through the house, then yelped as she also sent things that weren’t held or tied down all over the place. Fang had fallen over laughing as Vanille quickly scrambled all over to put things back in their place. But in the end the house looked the exact same way it had looked when they left it all those centuries ago.

The group had decided to rest for the night in her deserted hometown of Oerba before moving on to whatever waited for them next. The boys had shacked up in a house on the other side of the main square together while Lightning joined Fang and Vanille. She now slept down the hall from Fang and Vanille’s room. A room the couple had not been in for over five hundred years.

“I can’t believe it… Everything is almost exactly how we left it…” The orange haired girl said as she sat on the edge of the bed, Fang lying down behind h