COUSIN SYDNEY 2 (story only, no sex but soo much sex next chap, PROMISE!)

Story by misfit446

Read Cousin Sydney to get caught up. I know I've been gone but I'm trying to tie up the loose ends of the stories I started. I'm sorry but I like characters. They have to have depth or I might as well forget it. You can't imagine how many stories I started, rereading them after a month or so and groaned. They were just stroke stories. I like a bit more. I hope you do too. This story has no sex but suggestions galore.

Read it, remember it and when I get the next chap up, you will enjoy it. I hope, anyway.

Here it is.


Both girls entered the large trailer and sat, enjoying the iced tea and listening to the adults catching up.

Chuck just munched on pretzels and his tea, oblivious to what was going on. Allie was now excited to hear what her cousin had to say about fucking and stuff.

The dialog was droll, boring and a waste of time. Though Allie did feel a burble in her tummy, being hungry and all, she kept on listening to the family history.

She noticed cousin David wasn’t present. “Where’s David?” she whispered to Sydney.

“Probably wacking off to your tits,” Sydney whispered back, giggling.

Allie wasn’t prepared to hear that and gasped. Everyone looked at her. “Um, sorry. I burped.” The adults laughed. Young Chuck guffawed.

She felt a blush creeping up her face.

“Don’t worry about it. He always is pulling his pud.”

Allie was now blushing fully.

“And he likes to watch me too.”

Allie closed her eyes, trying to stop this conversation. “He’s got a nice cock,” came a whispery breath across her ear.

“H-how big?” Allie heard herself ask breathlessly.

“Now you’re talkin’! A nice fat eight inches. I measured.”

Allie’s eyes shot open, staring at her cousin. “Y-you measured?”

“Uh huh. Nice and thick. And pretty big balls too. Bigger that my Daddy's.”

Allie closed her eyes again, feeling faint. She’d never seen her Dad naked nor Chuck. And really didn’t want to.

It was an hour before Sydney stopped her teasing. A satisfying snack was served then Dave took Chuck out on a four wheel ATV about the acres that they owned.

“Hey Aunt Fran? Why don’t you guys plant anything?” Allie asked as she put her dish in the sink.

“’Cause it’s more profitable not to.”


“The government pays us not to. Helps to keep prices stabilized. At least, that’s what the county man tells us as he drops off our check every year.”


“Yep. With that check and Joe’s disability check every month, we make out all right.”

Allie smiled slightly. “But . . .”

“Oh don’t worry your pretty little mind honey. SYNDEY! Take your cousin about the property, show her the barns.”

“Okay Ma. Come on Allie. Hey, can I take Dad’s truck?”

“Sure. Just be careful. Stay on the trails. No four wheeling.”

Sydney grabbed the keys and walked out. Allie