Sekret's Singles

Story by sekretname

Short stories by me! I have several and will be putting them and future ones in this topic. I'll list their links in the order I wrote them in, because I'm neurotic like that. They all have visual aids :)

NEWS: I subtly added Part 2 of Persephone's Phallic Playtime...I'm so sneaky. I suppose if someone else wants to write the third part I'd be fine with it. I don't have any specific ideas for it, really, so as long as the rules of Persephone's Penis stay consistent, there is much creative license to be had. It'll definitely be much faster than waiting for me to get around to it.

More importantly, I posted The Billionaire's Daughter, one of my finest achievements in that it's quite long but it doesn't turn into a saga. It may not be for all tastes, but then what is around here?Part 1 of the Persephone's Phallic Playtime trilogy is up! I haven't written the third part yet...perhaps sometime I'll get excited about it again.The first story, The Woes of Puberty, is kinda short and FU pumps isn't new in this topic so also included is the next shortest short story of mine I feel comfortable posting at this juncture (I have two that are longer and one that's a spinoff of something I haven't posted yet).

Links open in new tab/window

The Woes of Puberty

The Billionaire's Daughter

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Persephone's Phallic Playtime 2/3

FU pumps

You're welcome ;)