A super hero story Idea.

Story by Liriel

Like the title said,I have a Idea for a story and just wnatd some comment on it.It Also what I think would happen if super hero exist in our world.

You all know Super-hero right?Those in the comic book?Those are fiction,right?Not anymore.In the year 2012,whit the advence of technology and some massive breacktrhought,power like those in the comic is just a hand reach away.The gouvernement,seeing how expensive those "hand reach" actualy is,decide to,instand of mass produsing those device,to train volunteer to become hero that the whole nation would Idolize.The first of those nation where the USA.Using Captain America as a baseline,they make The White Star.This men have been upgraded whit powerful graph in it very bone,making is muscle strong as a bull and fast as a horse.They make a armor from a very special metal they find to protect him in is duty,making him event more powerful.Afther is first apparence,stoping a whole criminal organisation single handedly,thing about him flog the internet.In a single week,is name was know,more then 100 blog was talking of the new american hero and marvel event start making comic about him(All gouvernemnt aproved of course).Seeing this,Canada,Russia,Japan and many other nation start doing the same,creating heros to protect thier nation.This create a golden age for humanity.The heroe root out the criminal where ever they were,cleaning all nation from criminalisation.However,afther everyhting settle down,something come to everyone mind."Since there nobody to fight,we dont need those hero anymore."

The gouvernement nation wide decide to put a rest to the hero.The Hero themself however,dont take this lightly,who grow to love the admiration and whelt that come whit the job.In a 180 degree turn ,The Heros crash the gouvernement,resulting in a massive revolution.Many poeple down in the process,many hero,who thier power go to thier head,start seeing the poeple they have to protect as inferior.The power balance of the world crash and a the world slowly fall in chaos.It is now year 2050.Most of the old nation dont exist anymore.Canada and the USA have merge together under the White Star iron fist.Now,five major nation exist.The Star nation,rule by White Star.Russia, controled by a unknow hero calling herself the Frozen Mother.Germany,who have absorb all of Europe,Rule by Der Ubermensch,a ruthless men dedicated to the nazy idealogy.Japan,who have absord korea and china,lead by a very young women simply calling herself the Empress who her poeple believe to be a godess and South America,Lead by El Hodio.The world is now stable,whit all the other state now lead nation by it own "Hero".

However,there is hope.Before everyhtign breack lose,Some scientis hide cache of equipment for people to find and free themself again thier former hero.Here and there,people find those and slowly,a resistence is forming.....

Here you go^^what do you all think?^^