Dick Didn't Know (Furry, Futa/Male, Male/Male, High School, Homophobia)

Story by Lithier

Had some fun with this one ^_^ If you liked this, I've got a lot more on my SoFurry account, linked in my sig banner. Enjoy!

"Alright, boys, that's it for today! Good job!" The coach clapped a few times and turned away, leaving the Springdale High cheerleading squad to practically collapse in exhaustion, laughing a bit amongst themselves. Their coach was renowned for being a hardass, but it was true he got results. They had some really impressive routines in the works for the next big game.

At least, that's what their little audience seemed to think. A round of applause and whistles picked up from the stands where the coach had left off, a handful of fellow students getting to their feet now that practice was done. Among them, Gloria Vanderkund was easily the tallest, a big grin on her face as she hopped the low wall between the stands and the field. The way the bright pink words "BEND OVER" on the tigress' t-shirt bounced about as she landed must have brought every eye to her generous, obviously unrestrained bosom for a moment as she made her way onto the field. She didn't seem to notice.

"Great job, babe!" She called as she approached, having eyes only for her boyfriend, panting though he was with his paws on his knees. The slender field mouse managed a little smile, glancing up with a hint of red in his cheeks. A little smile for a little mouth. She loved his smile.

He straightened as she slipped through the milling cheerleaders, fiddling with his skirt. "You think so? I didn't feel like I was keeping up very well toward the end..."

"You did a wonderful job, silly boy. Anybody would be tired after all that. A little practice, and you guys will blow them away at the next game before I get a chance to!" She grinned again, giving a rich chuckle and running a big paw through his hair. She was almost two feet taller than him-- leaving him right about at eye-level with her semi-offensive shirt. The faculty had fussed about it several times, but Gloria practically carried the football team. She'd have to kill somebody to get written up, or near enough.

"Holden." The coach stepped around the bulk of tiger filling the mouse's vision. "I wanna see you in my office." He was a small, wrinkled man, his mouth permanently bent in a small, disapproving frown, which he turned on the tigress a moment before walking away. The named mouse shrunk slightly, ears wilting.

"Oh, geez... he noticed..." He murmured, fidgeting with his taut shirt. "I hope he doesn't cut me..."

"Psssh." Gloria folded her arms under her breasts, heaving the black-and-pink-adorned pair slightly into her boyfriend's face. "You'll be fine, Richy baby. You work hard, and both you and I and him know it." While Richard took a moment to blink and re-assess what she'd just said, she went on. "And besides, if he does anything mean to you... well, he'll have to answer to me." She murred, leaning in closer and raising a tensed paw. Claws seized at the air suddenly.