Random Hentai Generator Stories(futa, non-futa, supernatural, femdom, rape, preg)

Story by gunman

Well, I've got one out there with futanari content. I suppose I'll start publishing the other stories as well.

My system for random hentai story generation is pretty simple.

I grab a six sided die and then start to brainstorm a story from the content in the universe I created for each story's inhabitants to share. Characters and their motivations and personalities come first, then the setting and finally just what happens comes last in the outline. So far there are three finished as of now. Three more are half done, but waiting for me to knit together the parts that stuck out farthest in my mind to an actual story structure.

1 - One off the preset list of ideas thrown onto the backburner

2 - Amazon

3 - Lillim

4 - Futa

5 - Fiendling(supernatural creature)

6 - Cthulloid(tentacle beast in human form)

Now, onto the stories themselves...

Random Hentai Generator Story 1: Robbed

Content: F/M, violence, rape, oral, femdom, light supernatural context

This, like all my stories, is a work of fiction. None of the people in my story are in anyway real or based on real people. This story is adult oriented, so unless you’re old enough to view it, STOP READING NOW!!! Otherwise, enjoy the debauchery.

Okay, so now you STILL can’t sue me!!!

R.H.G. Project - Robbed

by Dr. Hype

It was 3 AM in the middle of town. The bars were starting to close. The brothels were slowing down. The throng of patrons to the various clubs and hotspots in that part of the city were stumbling on home. Many of them were drunk off their asses.

One of them separated from his friends and strolled his tipsy self from one street to the next on his way to his apartment almost ten blocks away. It was normally a pretty uneventful trip, but today there was an extra bit of speed in the man's step for some reason. The dark-haired man tried to ignore the feeling nagging at him for three blocks. But then it came upon him with a nagging urgent need like he had scarcely felt before.

He had to take a piss right then and there because he couldn't make it another block without it.

'Great work, Lee,' he thought, looking left and right. 'Drink four beers in a row with the boys and then leave without taking a whiz. Just brilliant!'

He looked all around the street before finding an alley to duck into. Lee didn't see anything but a stray cat lurking in the moonlight on the other end. He began to do the little dance that everyone eventually does, when their bladder urges them to move it or lose it. Hopping from one foot to the next in an undignified manner. Looking back at the street behind him, he didn't see anyone coming up behind him that would notice him, so he made a break for it and ran as far into the alley as he dared.

Lee quickly unzipped his pants and shoved down his underwear to relieve himself.

When he was done with his business, a strange sensation c