Life is Hell

Story by symbio

Hiii! This is my first story, and Ill keep updating with chapters, the first one isn't too sexual, but trust me it will get to be. Any feedback would be great, I need to improve. Warning: (Will update when I have things to warn about ^^) Hope you get some enjoyment out of this, even if it is a laugh at my expense! Criticize it please! I want the story to be good! Oh! And here's a picture of Jasmine:

278487(IS ME!!)

Jasmine awoke slowly, groggily opening her eyes. She groaned a bit, her head was pounding. Her eyes were hazy, so she shook her head till it cleared. Her legs draped over a cold steel table as she sat up and looked at her surroundings. She was in a cold hospital room, but something was off about it. Medical tools were hung on the wall, and the faded checker board tiles were coming up in a corner. There was a sink with hand sanitizer and soap next to an Ikea style desk. The sink dripped slowly, and Jasmine grumbled at it, annoyed by the sound. It clicked in her head then that she had no idea why she was here. She didn't feel sick or injured. This idea of being here pissed her off. She didn't want to be here, she had better shit to do. Before she could think about it too much, she heard the clicking of heels on the tile outside her door, and suddenly Jasmine was very conscious that she was in a paper gown. It was so cold in the room that she could see her breath and nipples perked up. The door slowly opened, and a smaller woman came in, wearing a traditional outfit. Her breasts were very well shaped, but smaller then Jasmine's prized 36EE breasts. The nurse strolled in slowly, closing the door behind her, her long legs very noticeable with the short nurses skirt.

“Hello...” she said, with a very soft voice. She looked at her chart, and nodded, “Jasmine,” she said, with a smile that for whatever reason, seemed threatening to Jasmine.

Jasmine put on a confident face, she had handled worse people, “Hi. Why am I h-” before she could ask, the Nurse interrupted. “I'm Alyx. Ill be taking care of you today.” she said, and suddenly two other women, bigger ones, walked in and stood next to Alyx. They were built, and tall, but not ugly. Actually quite pretty, and both wore the same uniform as Alyx. “Please take off your gown, I need to do your physical first,” she said, with a wide grin. Her teeth were perfectly white, with elongated incisors.

“Not until you tell me why I'm here” Jasmine responded, standing and staring down the smaller nurse. She seemed to eye up the nurse, with a sneer. 'Stupid little cunt, thinks she can fuck with me...' Alyx seemed to giggle and the two bigger ones took a step forward. “Maybe you don't understand. That wasn't a question” she said and the bigger nurses grabbed either shoulder of Jasmines paper gown, and tore it off, re