Sakana Sisters (UPDATED! Now with Chapter 4)

Story by Beatrix

Hello there :)

I've been playing around with a new story idea for a while, I'm still working hard on my regular series but I wrote this out too.

It's still not very heavy stuff, though a minor furry warning might be best, no full anthropomorphs though, just ears and tails really. Other than that it's just more cute futa action >:D<

Anyway, here goes \^_^/

Sakana Sisters


Chapter 1 - A new Life


Mary Hudson stepped off the boarding ramp of the ship, her hand raised high so she was able to look around without being blinded by the sunlight. All around her people were busy loading in crates and barrels, it seemed like she really was the only one getting off at this stop.

The ship would continue further south to the mainlands of South America, Mary was glad she had arrived though. The passage from England had not been particularly harsh but it had been pretty boring, even though this had been her first time on a ship Mary hoped she wouldn't be back on one anytime soon.

As she looked at the faces of the men around her she realized that quite a few of them had not been on the boat earlier, they had to be people from the island. Relieved she wouldn't be alone on the island as soon as the ship continued its voyage she approached one of them.

"Uhm, excuse me?", she started politely as the man passed by on his way to get another crate to carry onboard.

"I don't get paid to entertain passengers little girl, go talk to someone from the ship," said the man. It didn't sound like he was trying to be rude, he just seemed very busy.

"Well I'm not a passenger anymore, this is where I was headed," explained Mary as she trailed after the large man. The man stopped and looked around, Mary didn't really understand the way he looked at her, it felt as if he was sizing her up.

"Then what is your business here?", asked the man suspiciously as he grabbed another crate and began walking back to the ship.

"I'm here to work as a maid, there's supposed to be a big manor here on the island, and I was hired to replace the last maid," continued Mary.

"Yeah I heard about that, welcome to Samana Cay then, we'll finish this shortly and then we'll be returning to the manor grounds," said the man as he walked back up the ramp to hand the crate to one of the crew members.

After about half an hour the loading was done and the ship left the small dock and continued its long voyage now fully restocked with fresh water and food. There were five men standing around her and the one she had spoken to earlier turned to face her.

"I hope that's all the luggage you had with you, because that boat won't be back for three months," he noted while looking a little worried at the single suitcase Mary was holding.

"This is all," replied Mary cheerfully, "Is it a long walk to the manor?".

"Nah, maybe 10 minutes really," answered the man with