Avatar: The First Genderbender

Story by Futariffic

So sorry again. (Why do I alway seem to be apologizing nowadays) I know I haven't been around for a while even thogh I've been getting requests to post more stories (or at least chapters to existing stories). I am still working on other things but I have almost no internet use now, my wireless sucks! :( But anyway as always feel free to post comments or shoot me a message about anything, I NEED feedack to get better! ;)

So without further a-do here is something I wrote a few weeks back after seeing that one movie about those Indians who live in the South Pole and they find a little white kid under the ice then a dude with a black eye shows up and the kid gets imprisoned by the guy from The Daily Show then the kids escape to the North with more Indian people then the British people show up there to but the white kid does a ballet dance for like five minutes to convince the ocean to arc up into the air and then back down slowly, its a good thing the girl who looks like Michelle Trachtenburg narrated most of the important stuff because heveans knows fleshing out an epic tale is just a waste of time, in fact it kinda reminded me of this show I love "Avatar: The Last Airbender" so I based my story on that instead. Enjoy!


Avatar: The First Genderbender

“Who would have expected those sluts over at Kyoshi Island to be able to pay so much for my brilliant Fire Nation mind!” an adult woman wearing glasses said adjusting her frames. She was in a dark room, with hardly any of the items present visible outside the radius of a small flame under a silver, metal pot. The heated pot was covered by a clear top, with a tube leading to a small, black ball at the end. A purple, foamy fluid could just barely be made out, traveling the length of the clear tube toward the opaque ball.

The woman leaned away from the table that the contraption rested upon in her wooden chair. She glanced around the room with her soft, mahogany eyes. She looked at all the plaques she had earned in her life time thus far for being a key player in the new advancements in Fire Nation technology. She was an inventor and experimentalist, but unfortunately also known as a bit of a klutz. She was kicked out of the Royal Science Department after one of her experiments nearly killed a small group of the Firelord Azulon’s finest scientists. There was that, and the fact she conducted some frowned-upon, sexual-oriented experiments as well during her time in the Royal Palace. But that was years ago, more years than she cared to admit as her age was beginning to show on her otherwise beautiful face. She did not mind too much because with her age came quite a large amount of experience, and that very experience was what allowed her to be the only