OVS Chapter 1 (Multiple world fanfic, futa, violence, magic, sci-fi, bodymod, incest)

Story by gunman

A fanfic I wrote a while back and may finish some day. Never had much time to do it. This is the whole first chapter of things. The futanari content is toward the end. The rest is normal sexual content.

This story contains sexually explicit material. If you're not old enough to read it, then don't. If sexual situations, herm activity, incest, and a heap of profanity bother you, then don't blame me for corrupting your delicate sensibilities.

So now, you STILL can't sue me!!


by Dr. Hype

Chapter 1

The world was known as Ilti. A small pocket dimension set out of the way, flanked by the presence of much larger and important universes. But there is interest in this insignificant world, no bigger than Antarctica. But whose interest has been piqued is unknown.

As always, at exactly 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the steam began to rise from Medical Mechanica plant. Not much farther from the plant was a small town, as always. For some reason, the company purposefully built their medical technology headquarters near nowhere little towns that had no real bearing on the world as a whole.

In this sleepy little burg there was a high school where all of the kids went about their day in apparent boredom. Their lessons in mundane basic subjects went on as something occurred far below them that was much grander than they could have ever imagined.

“Go ahead and do it.”

Around the room, men and women in radiation suits stood behind clear glass shields. In the center of the chamber was a metal block with a very large and complicated machine pointed at it. A series of controls were entered into a computer behind the shield as the machines began to hum. A needle point came from out of a robot arm attached to the machines and tentatively touched the metal block.

“Engage effect.”

A surge of electricity came from the needle, flowing through the metal block. Dimly at first, and then brighter, the block began to glow an eerie blue. Another robot arm lowered into the area around the block. It dropped a golden orb onto the table near the block.

“Observe. This simple ball of gold is no more than two pounds as seen on the real-time measurements provided on the screens. But watch: Once we add a positive electrical charge to the element...”

The ball moves a bit on the level table. It begins to make a crater-like dent in the table by just sitting there, as if something is pulling it from beneath.

“Within the field, its mass is increased. This is easy to see thanks to its weight increasing so exponentially. Then, as we add a negative charge...”

A spark is seen on the tip of the needle touching the block. The robot arm returns and easily picks up the ball of gold. It is lifted about six feet above the table and then dropped down. Instead of slamming down to the table, the golden orb simply floats listlessly downward like a balloon.

“Its mass is decreased. I present to you all a revolutionary discovery made by my partner and I in the