Videogame story time!!!! YAY!

Story by Chadwickster

A thread like this might already exist, but I thought I'd create one where futa stories about videogames are placed, I'm talking any video game, whether it be Ms. Pacman,Final Fantasy, or even Resident Evil, ANYTHING goes, just make sure it has futa and videogame in it.

So, without further adieu, I give to you, my videogame story! Right now it isn't that long and not alot of sex in it, but I shall fix that with the other parts I have in mind.

Untold Oblivion Stories as written by Chadwickster.

"Shh, you'll alert the guard you loud-mouth!'' said Kirsten, the dark-elf thief who was working on picking the lock to the jewelry store her and her side-kick had cased for more than a week. "We worked too hard for this opportunity and I don't want it blown!'' she said in a harsh whisper.

"Well, excuse me!'' said Bruglic-gro-gak, the large male orc who was accompanying Kirsten on their crime spree, "You really should hurry up though, the guard change is almost over.'' said Bruglic, looking around to make sure the coast was clear.

" it! let's go, it's open.'' said Kirsten as she slipped into the store as silently as a summer breeze. Checking one last time Bruglic slipped in through the open door and shut it behind him while standing up.

"Aaah, I do not know how you can crouch that long, I thought my knees would break!'' said Bruglic, while extending his strong legs before him. "Now, where to begin?'' he said as he looked around at the cases of jewelry and precious stones before him.

"Choose what you want, I got my eye on a special case, I'll be right back.'' said Kirsten as she crept up the staircase and into the top floor where her prize lay. Making sure Burglic wasn't paying attention to her, she slowly drew out a special dagger coated in a very powerful concoction that would paralyze its target. Opening the door she crepy in the room and saw her target laying in the bed with the covers strewn about her young body. "Ooooh, this is too easy.'' said Kirsten in a whisper while admiring the girls perky breasts and smooth but strong stomach muscles.

Creeping over to the bed she took her dagger in hand and pricked the girls thigh with just the tip, too much could kill the girl so Kirsten had to be careful. Eyes shooting open the girl tried to get up with all her might, but she couldn't, her body didn't even move a centimeter out of place, panicking the girl began to hyperventilate and try to scream. "Why hello there, you are probably wondering what is happening well, you are my prey.'' said Kirsten as she leant over the girl to peer into her big brown eyes. "We are going to have some fun, and don't worry, other than that small prick on your thigh you will remain unharmed.''

Just as she finished talking Burglic came stomping up the stairs in his heavy boots. "Ugh, I hate him so much! Now, don't move darling.'' said Kirsten with a chuckle as she pulled the sheet over the girl and made it look like th