Sweet Charity Correctional Facility (futa-on-male)

Story by gyratory_gyratory

I wanted to start something that could be 1) more long-term and 2) basically be an outlet for any kind of perversion I felt like writing about. I was thinking something in the vein of Camp Heaven and how it gets more and more out of hand as the story goes on. But we'll see how it goes... this is only my second dirty type story, after all.

Anyway, comments and suggestions are welcome. I hope you enjoy it!


I was being taken to The Hole. It hardly seemed fair. I didn’t start the fight. The guy was trying to rape me. I was just defending myself. Maybe a little too enthusiastically, but really, it’s prison. How am I supposed to act? It felt a little good to let loose on the guy. It’s not fair that I’m here at all. My firm had been busted for fraud and I was thrown onto the fire. I BARELY know what fraud is! Well, maybe I’m exaggerating but I had nothing to do with it. So maybe I was letting out some anger as I smashed the rapists’ head against the wall. It was admittedly satisfying to see the bloodied tiles crack.

So now I was being led down a narrow cement hallway. C.O. Miller walked ahead of me and some male guard I didn’t know followed behind. Miller was once of the few C.O.’s I knew and this was mostly because she was a woman. She was a dark-brown African American with short hair. And she was tall. Taller than me, but I’m a short guy… only 5’6’’ so she had a few inches on me. She had a terrific ass and I savored it knowing I would be alone for the next three days. I savored her entire body, thankful to follow behind it.

My trip soon came to an end as I arrived at the closet I would call home for the next few days. It was seven feet deep and only three feet wide, just large enough to fit a normal sized person. As I took in the misery that would be my living quarters I was seized and my shirt was pulled over my head. My pants pulled down. Before I could make a sound, I was stripped and shoved. The slam behind me let me know I was home.


I sat in the darkness. I don’t know how long. I barely had the energy to stand. A thin gruel was in my cell every morning and around dinnertime but that was it. A light embedded in the ceiling would begin to glow before the gruel was distributed. Illuminating the bland grey walls, it only highlighted my pathetic situation until the lights were killed. Then I would try and fall asleep on the concrete floor.

For three days, I lived like this. On the last night, it took a turn for the worst.


I woke up to the sound of scratching. Rapid, furious scratching only inches away from me. I sat still, thinking it was a rat. I tried to discover the source of the sound. Then I heard it: Breathing. Someone was in the cell with me. Standing by my feet.

“H-h-help me.” I almost laughed when I heard my inner thoughts externalized. It was a woman. My mind began to race with que